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What's the most you have spent on a single bottle?

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casualtorture started a discussion

Balvenie 1964, aged 43 years, bottle #31/151. Found this on my last stop in HK. (Took a picture but it failed to upload). $14,000USD or 108,000HKD. Must be pretty special right? Got me to thinking, will I be able to buy bottles like this when I'm older, and if I can, will I even want to spend that much on a bottle? So,what is the most you guys spend on a single bottle?

7 years ago

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jeanluc replied

Hi @casualtorture, can you email the photo to support@connosr.com? I'll see why it didn't upload / and add it for you.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

I expect that when I'm 80 many a mediocre bottle of whisky will cost that much. But so will a Big Mac.

Thankfully I have inflation protection in my cabinet.

I think the most I ever paid for a bottle was my Octomore (and the next year I saw the same bottle $30 cheaper!) at $150. I would not do it again.

The increase in quality does not rise nearly as quickly as the price, and i can be more than satisfied by less expensive bottles.

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

Victor replied

@casualtorture, while there are some old Connosr discussions on similar topics, I do think that it makes sense to initiate a December, 2016 dated one to see perspective on price changes. The most I have ever spent on a bottle was $ 299.75 for a bottle of 20 yo Pappy Van Winkle, but that was mostly because the secondary market is six times that amount. (I consider PVW20 to be worth $ 150-175 for drinking purposes.) The second most I have spent on a bottle is $ 223.50 for a bottle of Balvenie Tun 1409, Batch # 9, because that was $ 50 below other prices when it was sold and also in the anticipation of its much higher value in the future. Of 300+ bottles purchased I have spent more than $ 150 per bottle on only those two, two bottle of Glenmorangie Signet @$162.50 each, $207 each for two bottles of Supernova 2014 (I couldn't get a decent price on it that year), $ 175 for Supernova 2015, and two bottles of Pappy Van Winkle 15 yo, one @$ 184, one @$165. So what's that? Nine total above $ 150 out of 300. I have to think a lot of a whisky to spend more than $ 100 for it.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

jeanluc replied

[Discussion title updated for longevity]

7 years ago 0

Ol_Jas replied

$146 for an Octomore. That's a purchase I expect to NOT repeat.

7 years ago 0

Spitfire replied

When I started this adventure, I stumbled several times due to inexperience and cheapness--I purchased bottles by major players at inexpensive prices, and the experience didn't seem worth it. Then, I was introduced to a bottle I''d never heard of, and although I assumed it would be prohibitively expensive I did search it out--only to find it was available locally, and for under $100, so I bought it.

That same bottle (Aberlour A'Bunadh, by the way) is no longer available for under $100 locally, but it DID bring home to me that whisky doesn't have to be expensive to be good. However, expensive whisky may well be more likely to be good...as I've become more involved, I've begun worrying less about the price tag--although I still hesitate at anything over $100, which is sort of the break point for me. At this point, the most expensive single bottle I've purchased has been CDN $140 (Whistlepig rye), with a few others just below that (Glendronach CS Batch 5). I simply can't justify anything more expensive (and those I have purchased are ones I've previously tried). There are other things in life!

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

RobertH replied

The most I have spent was $325 for a bottle of Highland Park 25.

What is sad to me is that I have so many bottles that were purchased for a pittance and now are so expensive I don't want to drink them. :(

I'm so much more happy finding unknown whiskies that are at a reasonable price (~$65) and are fantastic. If I thought that a high sum would render something extraordinary, I would be fine with that, but I would need a taste first.

7 years ago 2Who liked this?


I haven't broken the € 100,- limit (yet) but came close: € 99,- for an Octomore 6.1 an Octomore 7.2 and a Deanston 18. Will I do it again? For Octomore YES, for Deanston 18 NO. As a big fan of Deanston 12 I got a bit carried away to buy the Deanston 18. Next time I'll buy 3 Deanston 12 's for the same amount of money.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?


Yeah I have yet to go over $100USD. I have tried some more expensive ones at whisky bars. Some were great, some were not as good as a $30 bottle of Ardbeg 10.

7 years ago 0


@jeanluc I think it has to do with me being in China. My American sites are pretty slow here. Have trouble with uploads a lot.

7 years ago 0

BlueNote replied

$223.25 Can. for Balvenie 21year old Port Wood that I thought was merely pretty good. $194.00 for Richard Paterson's original Shackleton Replica that was very good.

7 years ago 0

Alexsweden replied

The most expensive bottles I've bought went for about 110$ each. It was the discontinued Longrow 14 and an indie bottle of Svenska eldvatten. I'd probably go a bit higher for something i really want. Like Highland Park 25 for example. However i don't see myself going that high so we'll see about that particular bottle...

I expect to spend 60-90$ a bottle. The are some cheaper, good bottles but those that most appeal to me seem to be in that price range

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

mct replied

The most expensive I bought was a bottle of Douglas Laine's Old Particular Bruichladdich 21 y/o for US$250.

The rest of my money I blow on HP18 and champagne :)

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

MuddyFunster replied

About £300-£400 for PVW 20.

Then about £200 for Thomas H Handy.

Generally I try to pay retail rather than secondary though.

7 years ago 0

Astroke replied

Paid $250 for a Bruichladdich Black Art 4.1, aged 23 years. 3 days after my purchase the LCBO raised the price to $350. I enjoy this one but would not buy again even at the $250 price.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

PeterG7 replied

I have never spent more than 200.00 for a bottle. However, on many visits to an Ontario LCBO I use to gaze wishfully at a bottle of glenflagler 1973. I always talked myself out of the purchase. It was well north of a $1000.00 and as much as I wanted it I had a hard time justifying the price. About 5 years ago I was in the same store with my wife and the glenflagler was still there, my wife called the LCBO clerk over and said she wanted something from the locked cabinet. He opened the cabinet and she said I'll take the glenflagler. Footnote to this, my wife thinks drinking single malt is akin to drinking gasoline. PS: It is still unopened.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

vanPelt replied

I stretched to $250 for Highland Park 25. I've had more disappointing purchases...

7 years ago 0

newreverie replied

The most expensive I've bought for myself are two Glenlivet 25yr at $250 (More than $100 off retail) Next would be Jim Beam Masterpiece and Garrison Brother's Cowboy Bourbon at $200. Lastly an Angels Envy Cask Strength and Glenmorangie Signet at $160.

I have purchased several bottles of Chivas Stone of Destiny for $400 on my Dad's behalf.

7 years ago 0

talexander replied

$CDN2,000 for a Pappy 20.

7 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

@talexander How did it taste?

7 years ago 0

talexander replied

@Nozinan I tasted Pappy 20 years ago - very good but not $2K good. This one's an investment.

7 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

@talexander Sounds like a good one for Saturday, to trade for a taste of the Cornerstone... stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

talexander replied

I'll throw in a Crown Royal Apple just to balance things out.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Pete1969 replied

Octomore 6.3 @ £130 and HP18 @ £80 both bought in last year. Still find it hard to break the £60-£70 barrier. Neither of them opened yet but HP is Boxing Day treat working all Xmas 3pm-11pm Xmas day and a 12pm-6pm Boxing Day then nights 27th & 28th so only chance to have a dram will be Boxing Day.

7 years ago 0

BlueNote replied

@vanPelt Are you saying that the HP 25 was a disappointment? $250 sounds like a good price for a 25 year old HP, unless of course it was not up to par.

7 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

@BlueNote HP 25 is $900 in Ontario, It would have to be a very disappointing batch to be a bad deal at $250.

7 years ago 0

vanPelt replied

@BlueNote My comment was intended a humorous understatement. satisfied I think I will not see the HP25 for $250 ever again. And yes, every drop has felt worth it, so far! But it is definitely on the "Save" shelf, to last for years to come....

7 years ago 0

BlueNote replied

@vanPelt Thanks for clarifying. That puts HP25 right back on my wish list. I'm just one small lottery win away. laughing

7 years ago 0

BlueNote replied

@Nozinan It's not even available in BC. The 18 is about as far as I'm willing to stretch and only at Alberta prices. It's now $235 here, and for another 3 years you'll pay $310 for the 21 year old. I'd be loading on that 25 at $250.

7 years ago 0

vanPelt replied

@BlueNote There was only one HP25 in the shop, a couple years ago. Best do most whisky shopping in Holland, hearing those Canadian prices. You can even budget in the plane ticket and still come out ahead!

7 years ago 0

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