Ol_Jas started a discussion
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10 years ago
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So the list formatting bit me. Here they are again for anyone who can't stand the wrapped lines in my origina post:
•Major UK supermarkets, like Tesco, for OBs that in the US I would expect only at big liquor stores or specialty shops. So that's pretty decent.
•The Vineyard (Belfast) •Wineflair (Belfast, Coleraine, Cushendall)
•Fairley's House of Wines (Coleraine)
•Bushmills Distillery for their distillery-only bottle
(and then...)
•Talisker 57N
•Connemara specials, like Turf Mor if it's still around
•The Six Isles blended malt
•Ledaig IBs
•Bowmore Tempest (or any decent CS Bowmore)
10 years ago 0
Belfast and Northern Ireland generally are not well served by specalist whisky outlets unfortunately. I live in here and get most of my whisky mail order. The airport when you leave might be your best bet. worlddutyfree.com/exclusives/…
One bottle you might be interested in as something exclusively available in Ireland is Jamesons Crested Ten. It can be obtained north of the border in Sainsbury's. I've not tried it though, so I can't vouch for it's quality.
10 years ago 0
Thanks, Uisgebetha. I'm home from my trip now, but that's useful information for anyone else who stumbles upon this thread. (Incidentally, I also posed the question on WhiskyWhiskyWhisky, and that thread got more action that here: whiskywhiskywhisky.com/forum/viewtopic.php/…)
I did try that Crested Ten at the Bushmills Inn and thought it was decent but nothing to buy a bottle of.
10 years ago 0
I'll be in Northern Ireland this summer and I want to track down some interesting bottles, especially IBs and stuff that I can't readily get here in the US. Where can I shop? I'll be all over.
These are the places I've found so far: •Major UK supermarkets, like Tesco, for OBs that in the US I would expect only at big liquor stores or specialty shops. So that's pretty decent. •The Vineyard (Belfast) •Wineflair (Belfast, Coleraine, Cushendall) •Fairley's House of Wines (Coleraine) •Bushmills Distillery for their distillery-only bottle
Where else should I look?
FYI, here are the main bottles I'd love to find, but I'm really just on the hunt for anything interesting that I can't get at home: •Talisker 57N •Connemara specials, like Turf Mor if it's still around •The Six Isles blended malt •Ledaig IBs •Bowmore Tempest (or any decent CS Bowmore)