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Whisk(e)y activities

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gillyflower started a discussion

What are your most enjoyable, whiskey-sipping activities?

12 years ago

17 replies

TomH replied

Sharing a great bottle with friends

12 years ago 1Who liked this?


put a good film on, relaxing on my bed and sipping from a glass while watching...that glass might also lasts for two hours, which enables me to observe how the whisky changes with breathing!

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

Mammon replied

Listening to some good music and/or read something

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

jeanluc replied

Preparing an evening meal and sipping a good dram, with the radio on in the background.

Glorious time away from everything with two things I really enjoy.

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

jeanluc replied

Welcome to the site @Mammon

12 years ago 0

Mammon replied

Hello and thank you @Jean-Luc

12 years ago 0

Andrea replied

After an hard working day.... sitting on your chair... thinking about nothing

12 years ago 0

Victor replied

@Andrea, dolce far niente!

12 years ago 0

Andrea replied

@Victor only now I replied to your comment in HP15... I like very much "dolce far niente....." with a glass of Ardbeg Uigedail or Kilchoman Inaugural Release.... in my beach house...... it an hard life!!!!! hi hi

12 years ago 0

Victor replied

@Andrea, yes, a very hard life!

12 years ago 0


@Jean-Luc I totally agree with you- making italian food whilst listening to Radio 6 and sipping whatever is the chosen dram of the day, heaven is indeed a place on earth, Belinda.

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

Lars replied

For me it's either reading a good book or listening to some great music after a fine meal.

12 years ago 0

scribe replied

At Uni, one of the clubs I was in had an annual "whisky walk". This involved many cocktails, followed by the transportation of a number of bottles of whisky (which would get gradually lighter) across various fields and fences.

At the right spot, we'd all "write" messages on handy bits of paper, put them in an empty bottle, and bury the bottle. The previous year's bottle would be dug up (if we could find it), and the messages read out.

The important thing was mostly to avoid the barbed wire and the cows.

Of course, I'm much more responsible than that now. Anything involving a fire at 2am is good.

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

whiskynig replied

I`m pretty much with you guys on this one, although I do believe that whatever is your chosen dram, this changes dramatically depending on your circumstances. For instance, if you are with good friends, it matters not what you are drinking, the atmosphere usually sets the tone. If you are having a dinner party the friends might be different, so might the dram(s) you are imbibing. I just love the stuff. Time to open one I think!

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

gillyflower replied

I thoroughly enjoyed some while reading through these replies. Chess is one of my favorites while partaking in a glass.

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

Alanjp replied

Sitting in the recliner, lighting up a cuban, NFL on the tv, and whisky in hand! Perfection!

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

jeanluc replied

@Alanjp live the dream!

12 years ago 0

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