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Whiskey tastings in Montreal QC?

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ewhiskey started a discussion

Hi everyone, I am searching for a whiskey tasting club in Montreal Quebec. Does anyone know of any? Our provincial liquor board offers some at $180 a pop!!! Something more affordable would appeal my budget a little better. En francais peut marche pour moi aussi!


11 years ago

4 replies

JoeVelo replied

Informe-toi au club de whisky de québec (quebecwhisky). Je sais qu'ils ont ete approchés pour aider à la formation d'un club similaire à Mtl, mais je ne sais pas où en sont les démarches. En attendant, effectivement il y a seulement le club de Qbc et les dégustations de la SAQ. Je suis allé à WhiskyLive Toronto, WhiskyFest Chicago et NY. Ces évènements en valent vraiment la peine.

11 years ago 0

PeterG7 replied

If you go to the SAQ on rue St. Catherine you can have your own free tasting. We stayed at a B&B (Bon Matin) on Argyle. We walked to the SAQ. It was one of the bigger stores with a very good selection of single malts. I was surprised that they were providing free tastings; but, never look a gift horse in the mouth. They also had a copy of Jim Murray's Whisky Bible on hand to look up what you were tasting. The people working in the scotch section were pretty knowlegeable as well. The next day we were in Quebec City and at the SAQ in Ste Foy if you wanted to taste you had to buy tokens. I liked Mtl approach much better

11 years ago 0

PeterG7 replied

A post script to my post. I bought a couple of bottles after tasting quite a few malts. Not sure what their tolerance is for providing beaucoup tastings without a purchase. :)

11 years ago 0

CognacFan replied

@JoeVelo @ewhiskey Montreal whisky club is up and running. We're having Mackmyra's brand ambassador over for our next tasting. montrealwhisky.ca for more info.

11 years ago 0