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Auchentoshan 18 Year Old 1978 The Merchant's Collection


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@markjedi1Review by @markjedi1

29th Oct 2016


Auchentoshan 18 Year Old 1978 The Merchant's Collection
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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I found this bottle at the very cozy Whisky on a Sunday event in Ghent. I had not seen it before and hence not yet tried it. It was still a third full so I convinced the owner to sell it to me. It was launched in 1996 for the Italian market. Just to put it in perspective: it was distilled when I was an 8-year old kid playing with Star Wars action figures and it was bottled when my first daughter was born.

The nose is fresh, sweet and mildly floral – typical Auchentoshan. It also has some white bread and vanilla. Some pineapple cubes as well. Hint of almonds. Some wood shavings. Light and innocent, but nice nose.

Nicely oily in the mouth. Immediately somewhat spicy (think pepper and ginger) and very sweet. Caramel, vanilla and some pears. The wood speaks as well and delivers an albeit very discreet touch of bitterness.

The finish is very short, to be honest.

I am sure the Italians liked this quite a bit as they do like their whisky in aperitif style. So do I. More so if it was distilled at my favorite Lowlander.

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