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Happy Birthday!!

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By @paddockjudge @paddockjudge on 27th Oct 2013, show post

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bwmccoy replied

As usual, I’m late to the party. Happy belated Birthday @paddockjudge and @talexander. I haven’t had any whisky for a few days (busy with work and family life), but will raise a dram in your honor later tonight!

about one year ago 4Who liked this?

Victor replied

Happy Birthday @Nock!

Your company is a blessing, and the quality and quantity of your whiskies never disappoint either.

9 months ago 2Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

Happy birthday @nock! If I have time today I will raise a dram of something peated, or a Sagg Jr in your honour.

9 months ago 3Who liked this?

bwmccoy replied

@Nock - Happy Birthday! It was great to meet you in person last fall and share drams together with you and @Victor! Thanks again for sharing so many of your amazing whiskies! Hope you have a great birthday!

9 months ago 2Who liked this?

Nock replied

Thank you @Victor, @Nozinan, and @bwmccoy for the birthday well wishes! It has been a delightfully relaxing day. Yesterday was my wife’s big school fundraising event for the year. The last few weeks have been hugely successful leading up to it. She has been unbelievably stressed leading up to it. I had to help all day yesterday. So today she took off and we slept in.

This afternoon I opened my three whisky presents to myself.

Ledaig 11yo 61.0% Blackadder Raw Cask 23rd October 2010 - March 2022 Sherry Puncheon No. 11 Bottle 104 of 524

Octomore 13.3 Islay Barley 5yo 61.1% (129.3ppm); 2016 Concerto Barley from Octomore Farm; combination of first fill ex-bourbon and second fill ex-European casks.

Octomore 14.3 Islay Barley 5yo 61.4% (214.2ppm); 2017 Concerto Barley from Octomore Farm; 50% first fill ex-bourbon and 50% second fill wine casks.

These are all neck pours and my experience is that all of these heavily peated whiskes will change with time . . . but so far the 14.3 is the stand out by a lot. It has hints of some of my favorites (7.3, 8.3 and 9.3). I have found the recent releases of 10.3 and 11.3 to not be as much to my liking. I managed to miss 12.3.

Anyway so far an excellent day. I would love to share each of these drams with you gentlemen and get your impressions. I have enjoyed our tasting sessions in the past and look forward to future tasting with each of you. Cheers!

9 months ago 2Who liked this?

Nock replied

Here is the current lineup

9 months ago 6Who liked this?

Astroke replied

@Nock happy birthday

9 months ago 2Who liked this?

Victor replied

Happy Birthday @bwmccoy ! It has been a great pleasure to know you!

5 months ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

Happy Birthday @bwmccoy ! May your drams be special tonight!

5 months ago 1Who liked this?

Astroke replied

Happy birthday @bwmccoy

5 months ago 1Who liked this?

bwmccoy replied

@Victor - Thank you! It has been great getting to know you over these past many years. I have very fond memories of the times we've been able to meet in person and share drams together.

@Nozinan and @Astroke - Thank you both for your birthday wishes. I'm having a pre-dinner cocktail at the moment, but even though my birthday was on Wednesday, I may have to break out something new later tonight.

5 months ago 1Who liked this?

Timp replied

@bwmccoy apologies for the late birthday wishes but many happy returns and hope you had a nice time. Regards. Tim

5 months ago 1Who liked this?

Timp replied

Hey @RianC happy birthday mate. Hope you have a good day and will raise a small glass of something nice to you tonight. Best wishes. Tim

4 months ago 4Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

Happy circle of the sun @RianC ! Hope your glass is full of something really good!

4 months ago 5Who liked this?

Victor replied

Have a wonderful birthday; RianC ! Once every 1461 days -- a wonderful and rare event!

4 months ago 3Who liked this?


Happy Birthday @RianC !

4 months ago 4Who liked this?

bwmccoy replied

@Timp - I apologize. I’m just now seeing your birthday wishes to me. I really appreciate it! Sorry it took me so long to respond.

Also, Happy birthday @RianC ! Hope your day is filled with family / friends and of course, great whisky!

4 months ago 3Who liked this?

Timp replied

@bwmccoy No need to apologise. Thank you, for contributing so much to this forum. Sometimes almost single-handedly keeping threads going. Top stuff. Cheers.

4 months ago 5Who liked this?

bwmccoy replied

@Timp - Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate your contributions as well!

4 months ago 3Who liked this?

RianC replied

A belated huge Thank you for all the birthday wishes slight_smile

I had a lovely weekend with family and friends and had my share of whisky too! Tried a recent Ardbeg 10 in a bar and thought it was a decent batch. We also had snow on Sat, so spent some time throwing snow balls at my two lads! My partner also finally fixed up (due to her breakage!) my oldest acoustic guitar - I'd forgot how much I missed playing it. The family are now sick of hearing 'Sweet Virginia' at every available opportunity smile

4 months ago 5Who liked this?

paddockjudge replied

Birthday Bottles

My son is a 1995. I’ve been gifting him bottles from that year, on his anniversary, for about a decade. No complaints thus far. He hasn’t opened any of them at this point in time. Some of the ungifted stockpile is on display in the posted pic. I easily have enough for another decade, but I may need to employee a new theme beyond that, this vintage is getting pricey.

3 months ago 6Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

It looks like I will have a happy birthday indeed in a couple of weeks.

I arrived home to find a package waiting for me and this little gem inside. A 1969 vintage for my 55th birthday. Sent early to ensure it arrives in time before I shut down my spirits collection in Sunday.

A great thank you for such a generous gift @paddockjudge!

3 months ago 6Who liked this?

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paddockjudge replied

@Nozinan wishing you a Happy Birthday my good friend! After the Dodgers vs Jays game, I will raise a glass to your continued good health.

Cheers! tumbler_glass tumbler_glass

2 months ago 4Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

@paddockjudge Have an extra one for me, as my collection is shuttered until Tuesday night.

2 months ago 4Who liked this?

paddockjudge replied

@Nozinan, will do!

Glen Grant 24 year bourbon cask and Invergordon 31 year bourbon cask, 55 cask strength years of goodness wink

2 months ago 3Who liked this?

Victor replied

@Nambeist a very happy birthday to you! Sorry to be a few days late, my friend.

2 months ago 3Who liked this?

Victor replied

Dearest @Nozinan, I deeply thank you for blessing me with your friendship. I've had Jewish people as some of my closest friends most of my life. Perhaps that is largely because of those 12+ Jewish past lifetimes I have lived myself-- most of them 2-4,000 years ago.

Life is eternal. I look forward to remaining your friend forever. Happy Birthday!!!

2 months ago 3Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

@NamBeist Sorry to miss your birthday. I toast you with a cough drop, the only thing my palate seems to enjoy today (on MY birthday no less).

2 months ago 4Who liked this?

bwmccoy replied

@Nozinan - Happy belated Birthday to you and @NamBeist as well.

2 months ago 4Who liked this?

NamBeist replied

@Nozinan Happy Birthday! I will have a dram on your health tonight!

2 months ago 4Who liked this?

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