Knockando 2000 / 12 Year Old
Knockando 2000 - Aged 12 years
0 089
Review by @huineman
Had this one at Gourmet Club Callao in Feb 2015; of course I scribbled the tasting back then and took the beautiful pic attached at the exact same moment (maybe seconds or minutes after.) And now, for your enjoyment, I type it down here.
So we all but certainly know Knockando is a little town in Moray, Scotland, where the eponymous distillery resides since 1898. That much for history. Oh, let me add that this was the first distillery to boast electric light. Wikipedia knowledge.
As for the tasting, this scotch pours pale, pale, pale: clean pale wheat yellowish hue. Aroma is rather intense: cereal, porridge, river stone (you know, those rolling stones you go and find when camping by a river and then you smell them and it's so peculiar -or maybe it's the whole river or the ozone or you know what I mean.) Oh, yeah: also a hint of cardamom.
Soft start then developing a crisp sip into a bitter midpalate, everything yielding to a smoky long finish. You know what? I like this one, even if it's the house entry level.
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