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The Whiskey Exchange

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crystalb1 started a discussion

I was wondering if anyone has recetly purchased alcohol from The Whiskey exchange World of fine Spirits. There are two Jack Daniel bottles i want. The prices are great but i worried about shiiping prices, and custom prices

7 years ago

2 replies

MuddyFunster replied

I'n in the UK and use them regularly. They are very solid and they ship worldwide. Master of Malt better though and usually slightly cheaper.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

jeanluc replied

@crystalb1 There was a discussion thread titled Anyone in the US used The Whisky Exchange?, this had quite a few responses which you may find helpful if you are from that side of the pond.

I doubt too much has changed other than the USD to GBP exchange rate getting quite a bit better in the last few years...

7 years ago 1Who liked this?