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Ardbeg 10 Year Old

More than a feeling....

0 299

@OogyReview by @Oogy

23rd Feb 2012


Ardbeg 10 Year Old
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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This review isn't going to focus on the particular flavours or aromas of Ardbeg. No. This is more than that, this is about how a great whisky can make you feel....

To add some context, yesterday I had a massive meeting with work. A huge meeting. Since starting my new job, the last couple of months had been building up to this one moment (well three long hours of moments). Anyway, it went well. My bosses took me straight out for a couple of pints. After that, I'd got the taste.

There was nothing I wanted to do more than pick up a paper and settle down in one of my favourite bars in Manchester's Northern Quarter (Common for the initiated). When at the bar ordering my second pint there and a bite to eat, like a shining beacon I noticed the Ardbeg 10 on their top shelf. That was it, I was all over it like a bad rash.

Now, obviously I've had Ardbeg 10 before on many occasions and, as a rule, I prefer the Uigeadail. It just has more complexity and variety on the palate, with the added punch of being at cask strength. But in this moment, in this setting, in this mood....I've never had anything better in my mouth than that Ardbeg 10.

Wow. Thank you Ardbeg. I love you.

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stevesmyth30 commented

I love this Scotch...it is, however, like sipping a smoked glass of sea water next to a bonfire of beachwood at the ocean :)...you get the idea. I found this to be very "peaty"...yet not a ton of iodine like some others. I have not yet tried the Uigeadail, how would you compare the two?

12 years ago 0

Oogy commented

Hi Steve,

Yes, the Ardbeg 10 is a powerful brute but relatively restrained compaired with the massive cask strength Corryvreckan and the recently aquired Ardbeg Day. Uigeadail on the other hand is just perfectly balanced. No other whisky I have tried so perfectly nestles between the peat and smoke and the sweet and smooth. Every mouthful is like you've got 3 or 4 different drams dependent upon whether its just entered the fray, been in your mouth a moment or is sliding down your throat. Its spectacular. Well worth trying!

12 years ago 0