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If I had to do with three distilleries only...

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By @Robert99 @Robert99 on 15th Oct 2017, show post

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Nozinan replied

@Alexsweden Look at that...we go from no Scotch to ALL Scotch. Nature has a way of averaging out...

7 years ago 0

BlueNote replied

Five would be a lot easier, but here goes.

Ardbeg, Glenfarclas, Springbank. That's how I feel today, tomorrow could be completely different.

7 years ago 0

Victor replied

@Nozinan, ...and of proving my point.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

NamBeist replied

The best ones are Amrut , Ardbeg, Buffalo Trace , Highland Park, Talisker and Springbank. But their best products cannot be bought anymore , are hardly accessible or cost too much money . So we have to reach for other stars : Benromach Kilkerran and Ben Nevis. They cannot be really compared. I know. But what can a man do? Dreaming of a glorious past? Or try to make the best of it?

7 years ago 0

BlueNote replied

@NamBeist Why Ben Nevis? Are they doing something I haven't heard about? It's certainly not a distillery with a very high profile. I agree, though, the future lies with the young moderns like Kilchoman, Kilkerran, Arran, and perhaps Ben Nevis. Thanks for putting a slightly different spin on the discussion.

7 years ago 0

NamBeist replied

Dear @BlueNote Ben Nevis 10 yo is a hidden gem in my humble opinion. Ben Nevis is not hyped. Ben Nevis is a traditional company which produces good whisky that is affordable I would say to all members of this site: Give Ben Nevis A Chance!

7 years ago 0

BlueNote replied

@NamBeist I certainly will. It has not been on my radar but it will be now. You mentioned the magic words: good whisky and affordable. Thank you.

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

@NamBeist If Ben Nevis wants to be given a chance around here, Ben Nevis needs to contact the LCBO about listing its products, and hopefully at a price where we might have an interest in taking a chance...

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

NamBeist replied

@Nozinan I will mention next time that my advice is for non Canadians only fearful

7 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

@NamBeist then we'll criticize you for leaving us out.... stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

Astroke replied

@NamBeist I am Canadian and am the proud owner of a Ben Nevis 1997, 18 year cask strength from Grindlays Selection, delicious stuff. Ontario is not the only part of Canada smile

Can I assume that Independent bottlers of each of the 3 top distilleries still count?

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

JayRain replied

Great topic Robert - my three (in alphabetical order) would be Ardbeg (so many high quality expressions to choose from), Buffalo Trace (the aforementioned BTAC but also the Elmer T Lee which is one of my favorite everyday bourbon's, Rock Hill and Blanton's) and Springbank (access to the Longrow, Hazelburn and Kilkerran lines as well).

If double-clicking one level (caveat being in my pricesphere), it would be Ardbeg, Booker's and Whistlepig (by a hair over Wiser's).

7 years ago 0

Robert99 replied

@NamBeist I totally agree with you. Ben Nevis 10 is a good whisky in an old fashion way with nice low notes that are difficult to find these days.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

@JayRain Whistle pig currently counts as Canadian, doesn't it?

7 years ago 0

JayRain replied

As whiskey is not an olympic sport, my vote would be yay.

7 years ago 0

nooch replied

Hmmmm...highland park, springbank (to gain access to their whole line), and lagavulin.

7 years ago 0


Templeton, Diageo, and High West?

Or, seriously:




7 years ago 1Who liked this?

RianC replied

Some interesting choices there - good thread! Springbank, Ardbeg and Benromach for scotch but I do like a spot of Irish pot still and bourbon so either Heaven Hill or Buffalo Trace for the bourbon - OK BT it is - and Middleton for my pot still kicks.

Can I have summer and winter choices? ;)

final 3 - SB, Ardbeg and BT. Although, as ever, subject to change and whims!

7 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

@RianC The great thing about hypothetical situations is you can make up as many conditions as you want. Summer, winter, spring, equinox...

7 years ago 1Who liked this?


OK, here is my @NamBeist version of the 3 distillers: 1. Deanston 2. Benromach 3. Kilchoman. Deanston is for the clean barley flavor (Highland), Benromach is for the sherry with a whiff of smoke (old-school Speyside) and Kilchoman for the peat experience (Islay).

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

Barnbip replied

Amrut Glenfarclas Compass Box (not a distillery of course, but I cheat and choose them}

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

Pete1969 replied

1: Bruichladdich Peated or non Peated, Sherried and wine finished or Bourbon casks so choice of a little of most things. 2: Aberlour Sherry matured done well 3: Highland Park as long as age stated the NAS Viking stuff just does not cut it for the price.

6 years ago 0

RianC replied

@Pete1969 - Recent experiences with Bruicladdich may well have put this distillery right up there for me.

As far as Islay goes this and Ardbeg are the top dogs for me; but that's more to do with my like of medicinal peat over the smoke/ash you get more of with, say, Lagavulin or Laphroaig. Hmm, perhaps fuel for a thread there . . .

6 years ago 0

KRB80 replied

1) Springbank

2) Benromach

3) Buffalo Trace

6 years ago 0

Hewie replied

@RianC I find it interesting how we can perceive things quite differently. I remember an old work mate (who had also worked in the wine industry) telling me that "the golden pallet is in your mouth" - i.e. don't let others tell you what you should or shouldn't enjoy. That was my lead in to say that I find Laph the most medicinal that I have tried and therefore my least favourite from Islay. The recent Lagavulin I tried had a very strong iodine note but not that classic Laphroaig band aid / burning hospital that many people love. Just my take on it grinning

6 years ago 0

RianC replied

@Hewie - No I totally understand where you're coming from and touch on this in a discussion I just started.

Like you, I find perception of taste, smell etc very interesting and often find that folk have Laphroaig as the most medicinal of Islay whiskies.

Perhaps it comes down to experiences, probably from youth, that shape our perceptions as we age? e.g. My Mum would use TCP to treat cuts and boy did it sting going on - the sight of the bottle used to induce mild panic and fear. I think that something in Ardbeg reminds me of that more than Laph (although there's a definite note of plasters with this one) or Laga and so, to me, it then seems more medicinal - if that makes any sense? It's also surprising to me that that note can now deliver such pleasure . . .

6 years ago 0

Hewie replied

@RianC Yeah, I love how certain smells can be so evocative of a particular place or moment in time. Also, how certain smells that sound gross when described to someone else actually work so well in a whisky.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

olivier replied

If limited to only 3 distilleries, I'd try to make sure that I'd get as much OB and IB variety as possible, in addition to taste, so I'd go with: Arran, Clynelish, and Caol Ila.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

RikS replied

@Nozinan Amrut scotch?

5 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

@RikS In 1999, a secret treaty was signed between The UK and India. Given India's special place in the British Commonwealth, and again, in secret, so as not to arouse the SWA, Bangalore was put under dual sovereignty, UK and Indian, and more specifically, Scottish. I believe technically it is considered a Highland distillery.

India collects taxes and administers the region because it is more proximal.

This is the reason why it is almost impossible to find Amrut Scotch in India, but it is plentiful and inexpensive (no import duties) in the UK.

5 years ago 2Who liked this?

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