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Whisky Sponge on Ralfy 'Macallan' Mitchell

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RianC started a discussion

Couldn't see where I might slip this in so started a new thread.

If you haven't already I recommend checking out the latest Whiskysponge article which focuses on Ralfy being the new face of Macallan. Genuinely hilarious. Ralfy has also done a vlog on the subject which is one his funniest in a while and great riposte.


5 years ago

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@RianC Now that is some funny writing !!

5 years ago 1Who liked this?


Here is Ralfy's riposte. Hilarious !! Some of my favourite quips:

  • "I think Macallan is a bit up their own arse"
  • "Stop worrying about the quality of Macallan. Macallan isn't selling quality. Not anymore."

5 years ago 3Who liked this?

RianC replied

@OdysseusUnbound - I love this quote from the article

'Speaking from inside the bit of the new Macallan distillery where the soul should be, Savage Nick, the Master Distiller, said:' laughing

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

talexander replied

Who has time to watch a Ralfy video???

5 years ago 1Who liked this?


@talexander they can indeed drag on sometimes but enjoyable to me.

5 years ago 2Who liked this?


@talexander Some of us are insomniacs, thank you very much. I enjoy Ralfy's ramblings, but I steer clear of his medical advice and I disregard his comments on the merits of "organic" anything...

5 years ago 3Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

@OdysseusUnbound What? You don't want to learn how check yourself for Prostate Cancer?

This one is a CLASSIC


5 years ago 1Who liked this?

talexander replied

@casualtorture I have never once been able to finish one.

5 years ago 0

RikS replied

@talexander just reading the flow of the thread, there is now a risk that people remain unclear whether you refer to a video by ralfy, or a "self-test" prostate investigation, Sir.

5 years ago 5Who liked this?


It has long been my policy to not judge whisky commentators by their medical advice nor doctors by their whisky advice.

5 years ago 4Who liked this?


@MadSingleMalt I don't know about that last bit...I know a doctor who has made several excellent whisky recommendations, er, prescriptions.

5 years ago 2Who liked this?

Nozinan replied


If you’re referring to me I appreciate the support. I use the same rule with whisky as I do with medicine. Know what you know and admit what you don’t.

@MadSingleMalt I promise to try. It to steer you the wrong way.

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

Wierdo replied

I've finished loads of ralfy videos. Hundreds probably. But I tend to listen to them whilst I'm doing something else. DIY or cooking tea.

The whisky sponge article is very funny and Ralfy's response was pretty good too.

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

BlueNote replied

@Wierdo I tried deep frying some Typhoo tea bags once. Didn't work very well. wink

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

RianC replied

I used to really enjoy watching Ralfy vlogs and still think he has more experience and knowledge than most will. That said, his vlogs of late have become a bit lackluster, in my opinion, and less enjoyable - I find I only bother if I'm interested in the whisky and even then usually skip through for some brief notes and then the mark.

That's why I found this latest one quite enjoyable - a return to form, of sorts.

5 years ago 1Who liked this?


A buddy in my whisky club recently pointed out that Ralphy has another channel about fitness and somesuch. Anyway, it turns out that under his flannel, he's totally ripped.

I couldn't believe it. It was a real Ned Flanders moment.

5 years ago 2Who liked this?


@MadSingleMalt Hi-diddly-ho-malterinos !!! Today we're reviewing a 37 Year Old Port Ellen and it is scrum-diddly-umptious !!!

5 years ago 3Who liked this?

RikS replied

@MadSingleMalt isn't this why we all drink whisk(e)y; to be healthy and totally ripped??

Now, as for the precise claim of extraordinary ripped appearance, I think I'll maintain some reservations - but let each man judge for himself; youtu.be/3n3QNDD6ZVI

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

talexander replied

@RikS He must have lost a lot of weight recently. I ran into him at an airport a few years ago and he was pretty hefty. I wouldn't go with "ripped" but he's in much better shape than I am!

5 years ago 1Who liked this?


Well that picture here is less impressive than the one my friend showed me, to be sure. :)

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

RikS replied

@MadSingleMalt Ah yea, but that's NOT ralfy...! laughing

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

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BlueNote replied

Ralfy’s pretty determined to become a parody of himself. I’m fast losing interest. I’m not that crazy about being lectured to.

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

Jonathan replied

@talexander I rarely make the time for this guy, but I did for this one. Rallfy taught me a lot about whisky.

5 years ago 0

Jonathan replied

"He suffers from the wonderful striations of being a borderline intellectual genius." I can't think of a better left-handed compliment.

I appreciated this video, even though I'm an occasional fan of Macallan whiskies with age statements. Still, I don't think his critique of Macallan is over the top.

5 years ago 0

Jonathan replied

@Nozinan Not sure what to make of the prostrate video. Having had three transfusions in the last months, and looking at both -scopies. I don't want to put gloves and see if my backside has a Marshmallow, I refuse to "boldly go where" most men wouldn't--not because I'm uptight but because I'm not a doctor.

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

Jonathan replied

@RikS Wha? What is he up to?

5 years ago 0

Jonathan replied

@RikS This reminds me of Rocky, with a chubby middle-aged man instead of Sly.

5 years ago 0

Wierdo replied

Separating his reviews into the review and then extras was a good move.

If you're thinking of buying a whisky and want an opinion on it to help you decide Ralfy is still one of the best resources out there imo.

Separating the extras just means you can ignore all the additional stuff about the state of the whisky industry if you so choose.

5 years ago 2Who liked this?

RikS replied

He was great when I started. Now I see what the review is about and then jump to the score. If I listen to his intro for 3 min I tend to be able to foresee the score by 95% success rate. If the score is in any way surprising, I may go back and listen a bit more.

5 years ago 5Who liked this?

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