This is part one of three of the, now über popular, Age of Discovery series. A 19 year old malt finished in Madeira Wine casks complete with gorgeous box that has, not one, but two doors! So you can understand if I was a little gutted that this one did not blow me away.
The honey sweet nose is both woody and citrusy at the same time. But you really have to coax the aromas out. If you keep at it you'll be rewarded with a hint of sweet red melon and a touch of something grassy.
The same honey and oak mixed with white pepper are first to greet the palate followed by a spoonful of marmalade, roasted nuts and butterscotch.
The abrupt finish is a little disappointing. I would have liked to nurse the flavors a bit more but there was none of that.
I don't mind drinking this one again but I would gladly pass this over if offered the 15 or the 18 year old instead.
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