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Isle of Jura 10 Year Old

Average score from 23 reviews and 122 ratings 74

Isle of Jura 10 Year Old

Product details

  • Brand: Isle of Jura
  • Bottler: Distillery Bottling
  • ABV: 40.0%
  • Age: 10 year old

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Isle of Jura 10 Year Old

This, as is not uncommon with me, is an old review: it dates back to Aug 24, 2014. Take that into account as I'm aware Jura has changed recipes throughout the years.

Jura 10 bottle is totally transparent and colorless, which leads us to this peculiar note about the hue: if you see the bottle, the scotch looks amber to reddish with some brown highlights, but if you pour a dram, it's straw yellow with a slightly greenish cast to it. Of course, the latter is the one I use as a reference.

Aroma is not intense at all, it's even dull, and adding water or ice doesn't really bring it back to life. You got (in this 2014 review) many smoky scents, the likes of leather and bogfire, along with pine needle, resin and even brine. I remember checking their webpage and their saying it had loads of honey and my trying hard to find it -but no way, José.

Mouthfeel was soft, very quick on the sip (I mean, it wasn't oily or velvety and you gulped it down almost as if drinking water). Nothing surprised me, it was a simple dram. No terrible issues, but no rocking'n'rolling upsides either. Finish was medium-lasting with smoky and sweet tinges. Never had it again so far.


Isle of Jura has revamped their core range, which now consists of: Journey, 10, 12 and 18 Year Old and the Seven Wood. This 10 Year Old already existed, of course. The composition remained the same: bourbon barrels with an oloroso finish. Old wine in new bottles? I do remember that the Jura 10 was not very much to my liking in the past.

The nose offers hay, plasticine, manure (I am not kidding), lemons and oranges. Loads of earthy notes and a salty edge. I have to say, I am still not very fond of this.

It is oily and sweet on the palate, but immediately shows some wet cardboard and earth. A salty edge, once more. But it is not really fruity. I get some caramel and walnuts. Turns a bit bitter.

The finish is medium long, dry and bitter.

To be honest, there is no improvement in my book. Pity.

Thanks for taking the bullet for us. Not that this one was on my radar. I’m not a huge fan of Jura. I liked the Superstition back when it was priced < $60 CAD, but the price has climbed significantly since then.

Yikes...so after the big rebrand it's all fluff.


Berfore this, the last time I bought a bottle of Jura 10, I got it for under £10, although it was on offer half price at that time (around 2004?). I remember half-regretting spending that £9.50 then, as I thought that it was completely characterless.

This bottle I have just bought is pretty nice, in an odd sort of way. It has quite a bit of character, although I am still not altogether convinced i like the Jura character. 40% is about right for it for me, as I don't want that Jura weirdness to be much more intense. I feel a bit the same about Bowmores. I don't think that higher alcohol content is always better in weird whiskies.

It tastes quite engineered, and somehow tastes like no whisky really should. Still, I don't regret spending quite a bit more on it this time. I'm also hoping that it will develop a bit, as the bottle of Superstition I bought a while back was pants when I first opened it, but opened up amazingly over the course of a week.

Anyway, not bad. Quite spicy and bold, with a bit of a pear drops style lurking in there. One that you drink just to try to work out what the slightly bizarre taste reminds you of. But I haven't got there yet!

What can I say? It's a truly sophisticated and connoisseurial review to match a truly sophisticated and connoisseurial whisky. I can see Jura expressions becoming a bit of a guilty pleasure. But I may end up with buyer's regret if I go down that route!

"I don't think that higher alcohol content is always better in weird whiskies."

Nice comment.


I've always been curious about Isle of Jura 10. It's inexpensive and i think of it as a single malt that's off the beaten path. I picked it up for around 30 bucks, so its somewhat of a bargain. It's been open for about a month and reviewed with half a teaspoon of water.

Nose: Somewhat weird nose. Caramel and a strong whiff of a pungent musk. Probably the worst nose of any single malt I've tried. Clove, ginger, and strong molasse

Palate: Caramel, right off the bat. It suddenly turns into bitter, sweet and sour honey. Toffee. Its all lightly coated with molasses.

Finish: Bitter-sour honey remains. Slight chocolate and spices taper off with caramel remaining at the back of the tongue.

I give the props to @hunggar for mentioning that this SM would be great if it had more age. I've tried to figure this one out, but to no avail. The musky and bitter-sweet nuances take over every facet of the flavors. I noticed that increasing the water with a full teaspoon will settle into an acceptable level, but still with shortcomings.

vrudy6 I felt much the same as you about Jura 10 . I marked it at 72 and didn't really think it should have been released yet because it needed a couple more years in the cask. So I looked around online and came to conclusion that I would have to leave it 9 months to oxidize . Recently that 9 month wait had passed and I tasted it again and the improvement was both dramatic and surprising. It's become a very nice whisky indeed and I would now mark it at 85. I suggest that you do the same ,put it away for a while and revisit it in the future

@vrudy6, thanks for your review. I never liked my brother-in-law's bottle of Jura 10 UNTIL it had been open for around 2 years time. At that time it mellowed out and lost a lot of its rough edges. Two years out it actually became surprisingly GOOD. (No, I would not have believed it either before it happened.) You wouldn't lose anything by just setting your bottle aside for a long wait. No one gets too excited by drinking 67 pt whiskies now anyway. I'm just sayin'...


I haven't been doing this long enough for too many nosing and tasting notes, but I can certainly give my impressions. I've tasted better whisky, for sure. But for every day, "make sure I have enough gas in the car and food in the fridge" whisky, I like this, and I will move from Origin to Superstition when this bottle is done. Then to Elixer, and then Prophecy if it's available. I like the feeling of the little distillery that could. The under dog.

And honestly, this Origin has improved in the couple of months since I opened it. I'm getting stronger oak scent now then I did at first. I like that it stands alone, among other big island distilleries that get way more (in some cases) deserving press.

God bless Jura for being not only reasonably priced, but also for being not bad value for that price. I have two other drams that may fit this value point but I have yet to try them - Tobermory and Isle of Arran. But until I taste a better value, I say Jura is worthy of our glasses.


The Isle of Jura Origin is the reincarnation of their standard 10 Year Old. But you know as well as I that batches can vary significantly and the last time I tried this one was in 2010. Seeing that I will be trying a few Jura today, I felt it was a smart thing to do start with this entry level malt again.

The nose has a heart of malt, with some earthy notes around it. Nevertheless it is quite sweet. Think honey, oranges and caramel. Soft salty edge. Quite fruity. Apple sauce?

It arrives softly on the palate, mildly spicy with a touch of salty. A bit drying. The fruit does not get a lot of room to move about. Aniseed? Nuts, for sure. It becomes a bit spirity, which I do not like so much. Towards the end, it becomes a bit sour too.

The finish is long, with salt and pepper that subdue the sweetness even further.

Oh, well… it remains one of the least interesting Jura I have tasted so far.


I have to admit that I'm not really that much of a Jura fan. I appreciate the superstition, I like the Diurachs, I good friends with the Prophecy, but the 10yo?

My soon-to-be, brother in law, a Jack Daniels fan, asked me to introduce him to the world of whisky. One weekend bored out of my skull, I agreed to join him and my sister in their search for the ideal wedding location. Luckily for me, we passed by my favorite whisky shop, where I bought an absolutely stunning bottle of Lochside. And, as for his request, I selected a few miniatures: HP 12, Old Pulteney 12, Bladnoch, Bunnahabhain 10, Glendronach Revival, Jura 10 and when we returned back home, I gave him a 20cl bottle of Lagavulin and a unopened Ardbeg 10yo miniature to try out at home.

Guess what? He adored the Jura and went back to the store to buy himself a full bottle, leaving me flabbergasted. How could he choose the Jura over all these great malts? Did I miss something?

Which brings us back to tonight: in front of me, a dram of Jura Origin 10yo.

Nose: Light and surprisingly fresh: oranges, cereals, sunflower oil, a pinch of butter, wood polish, with faint hints of salt, but overall notes of spring blossoms.

Taste: dried oranges, again notes of cereal, orange blossoms, honey, oak wood shavings, ginger and a whiff of iodine.

Finish: long, dry and bitter, with fading notes of orange and ginger.

Conclusion: has the Jura 10 improved over the years? Last bottle I tried was a pre-2008? bottle as it still had the "Isle of Jura" logo instead of just "Jura". This not the malt that I recall from my previous tastings, but an significant improved version. Sometimes it pays of to give a whisky a second chance.

  • Nose: slightly oily, salty little bit of caramel, a very floral honey and I can’t get the thought of smoked fish out of my head. Bread dough and a tiny bit of pretty raw tequila. With water really dominated by bread dough, there is a suggestion of floral and even some sherbert.

  • Pallet: sweet smooth arrival, sweet honey comes first then it’s floury (as in bread dough), there is a suggestion of floral (as in flowers) but then the tequila comes in as you swallow. Drinks as if it’s either very young or at a higher strength than 40. With water still doesn’t go down easy, much more mellow arrival, crème caramel? Really really delicate now. The bread is now toasted, slightly malty and nutty.

  • Finish: dry and tangy, saltier a bit briny, for me it clings to the sides of my tongue which is a strange sensation that tequila thing never really lets go. With water little bit of coco, dry again, maybe malty but it’s very thin.

  • Mark neat -7.5, with water – 7.5.

It's just a bit raw neat and a bit thin with water. It's not bad whisky, but its just not that good

it's the one I drink every day - literally! I still did not got bored of it. and if you like smooth ones, not too strong and smokey, I really can recommend Jura 10 years old. At least to me, he appears much smoother than 40%


I was hesitant to give this a shot. Reviews for this tend to be on the average side. I hadn’t planned on picking this up, but this was on sale at my local liquor store this week and I had a few extra bucks in my pocket. And to be perfectly honest… I love the look of the bottle. Yeah I know, silly reason. Luckily I didn’t end up regretting the impulsive decision. At the time of this review, the average score for the Jura 10 is no higher than 73. This is a charming and pleasant whisky of quality that deserves much better than that imho.

Nose: A light nose with a good helping of cereal. Otherwise there are some apples, etc. A basic ex-bourbon nose that hardly exudes originality on the first whiff. On the second whiff, I get a somewhat herbal or vegetal note. Ginger and wisps of salt are here, too. There’s a bit of sharpness here, but it never loses its balance.

Palate: Some white pepper and some ginger are the first things I notice. Butter. Heather. There are some oak notes that follow. This is a bit saltier than expected. Salty, but not dry and briny as some maritime whiskies tend to be. Some mild citrus notes come through, too.

Finish: Short to medium finish. Some lemon rind, ginger ale, salt, white vinegar, and lingering pepper are the last to leave. Nice and even.

I had read a few reviews of this and to be honest I didn’t expect much. It’s nice, though. Ralfy mentioned in one of his reviews that this distillery excels with its older releases. I admit I haven’t tried them, but I do feel like if this were aged longer it’d be a lovely dram. With the salt, butter, pepper, and cereal notes, this has the potential to be on par with something like the Old Pulteney 17. But not yet. It needs a bit more of a punch to it. And while it is a balanced dram, there is some sharpness here. It needs a higher abv. and a few more years in the barrel. With some extra time to mellow out, this could be something truly wonderful. I’m definitely going to have to try some more Jura offerings… the 16 perhaps?

Once again I agree with another one of your reviews. I just bought this today. I let it breathe in my decanter for about two hours and now as I'm sipping away I was curious to see what other connosr members posted. As soon as I saw your review I jumped at it knowing that we usually agree on our whiskies. There was a weird taste to this and you cleared it for me: Vinegar!,but its not enough to give it an off taste. This is good stuff. I also agree, its a bit premature. Its older brothers should be cracking good.

BTW, I have the 43% abv version.


Jura always reminds me of the smell of the ocean breeze the first time you visit each year. It has a slightly sweet and brine-like quality.


Isle of Jura 10 year old turned out to be a steady executor that presents itself smoothly all the way from the start until the very end. It is not complex and it's not as spicy as Jura Superstition. Jura 10 is a safe option. It would suit nicely with afternoon starters. Or in some place where you don't want to draw attention.

Jura 10 definitely brings up the movie Under the Tuscan Sun. It takes me straight away into the hay fields of Tuscany. Jura 10 gives you a feel of nature, especially a blossoming nature. I guess the most ideal way to enjoy Jura 10 would be with the one you love. And of course, under the Tuscan sun.

Nose: Quite fresh and delicate. Very floral and earthly, like smelling the summer hay. Oak is there too.

Taste: Full body with barley mixing in with sweet toffee. A touch of citrus is hanging in the background as well.

Finish: Is nice and medium length with subtle spicy notes and honey.

Balance: Nicely in balance, nothing rules out. Nothing seems to strike through either, which isn't always a good thing. But in Jura 10's case I like the fact that all steps of the tasting are even.


I chose this scotch for my wife to maintain her mild interest in my hobby. After sampling several different malts, this won because it is complex, non-peated, and well balanced-- slightly sweet rather than too oaky or dry. Overall I would call it a success (for both of us!).

Nose: Others have commented on a strange nose; I agree it is distinct and a little pungent, but not that it is bad (or like tequila). Once you get used to it, the fragrance is interesting and adds to the palate while you drink. I can best describe this smell as some combination of moist hay, sneakers, vegetable broth, or apricot. I can see why this is divisive: if you don't want to like it, you probably won't! I would not say it is "floral" a much as it reminds me of a greenhouse. Finally, you can pick out underlying scents that are more common: salty butter, chalk, sherry-induced caramel.

Palate: Enters very lightly and thin. No obvious notes, just smooth, with maybe slight heather. If your glass has not breathed enough, it first tastes leathery and chalky, with some tobacco. But later this develops into thin caramel, which is vaguely salty and well-balanced. There is slight mocha too, if you're looking for it. The palate itself is very easy; what really matters is which way the nose influences your experience.

Finish: A fairly short finish, with a little grapefruit rind and some beckoning for another sip.


I bought a bottle of Isle of Jura 10 year old in my local whisky specialist shop. I talked a bit about this whisky with the salesman, and he said, that among the poeple going into the shop 50% likes Jura and 50% not at all. I also read here the comments, but I felt, that I need to try it myself.

I need to tell, that I was quite satisfied with this whisky. It is not a typical island malt, but can be loved by any whisky-starter, or by those people who prefer fresh tastes instead of peaty flavours.

Nose: it gave a frsh impression with citrus and a little bit of grass/meadow smell.

Taste: citrus flavours can be noticed, with the sweetness of malt. Soft and creamy.

Palate: tastes continue with an opening salinity.

Finish: a little shorted, than I expected, salt, sweet honey-like with citrus.

A nice whisky, my girlfriend liked it too. I think it worth trying it, as it does not cost a fortune.


Bought this as my local had it on special offer. First impression was that I was not impressed.

It had a rather rough oiliness to the body that reminded me of Glenfiddich (probably my least favourite single malt), and the aftertaste seemed to vanish before I had time to access it.

After a few more sips, I would place it a little higher than that unpleasant Speyside, but not significantly.

It's perfectly drinkable - just unspectacular, lacking much depth and with a slightly grating orange zest roughness that makes you pucker slightly.

Regretting not getting my usual Highland Park now - but will finish the bottle, which is more than I would do with Glenfiddich!


Quite lovely...sweet, warm and long. No bitter aftertaste.
Full gold colour with a medium body. Feinty aroma (honey,leather, chewing tabaco)and Winey (shery, wine) Medium complexity and sweet oily mouthfeel. Lingers on... pleasent aftertaste.

Well you're right about that score BlueNote, I guess I've messed it up when trying to score separately (Nose, taste, finish & balance)- which I don't often do. A 75 would do it justice, and yes it's good!

A score of 67 would normally indicate that you quite dislike the whisky. That does not seem to be reflected in what you say about it. Is it good or bad?


Isle of Jura 10 year old caught me off guard the first time I tried it a couple years ago. The nose immediately struck me as containing notes similar to those often found in tequila. I do like a good tequila every now and then, but this struck me as a bit odd. After a few dram sessions, though, I came to appreciate this lovely drink and find myself coming back to it on occasion when I am looking for a lively and exciting dram.

The nose is rather distinctive, in my opinion, as compared to the many other single malts in my collection. Though, it has softened a bit over time after the bottle has been open. Either that, or my nose is better trained! I get a nice combination of sweet honey and caramel, some tequila-like notes, and citrus fruits.

The palate is lively, with sweet honey on the front, some salty and smoky peat and pepper in the middle, and some soft citrus fruit on the end with a hint of bitterness.

Overall, I really enjoy Jura 10 and think it's one of those whisky collection essentials.


This one has really coffee taste for me) More than any other whisky. It's not overly complex, but pretty drinkable and nice.

Nose: Plum jam, peat Palate: Pear, coffee Finish: Coffee beans


Jura 10. I bought it at a steal (£17) and so I wasn't too worried about how it would turn out. My first tasting led me to believe I had nothing to write about on my hands. If I had been a member here, I'd probably have given it a 60. It was floral, light(ish) but harsh and tinny. That was almost exactly 2 years ago.

Now, however, it looks like the game is changing. I stuck some Jura in a decanter (it's a nice colour for a decanter and, as I said above, I'm not worried about giving it away) and left some in the bottle. I'm reviewing the stuff left in the bottle (which is now almost entirely empty)

Nose: Hint of salt, heather, alcohol and something which I think might be spiced pear. The slightest smell of cellar (in agood way!) Fairly light nose, but not unpleasant. Shall we say 17/25?

Palate: Peppery-sweet and slightly citrussy. Having had bad experiences with the newly-opened bottle, this one has quite a pleasant mouth-feel and rushes round quite cheerfully. On a second taste there's a teasing little hint of honey on the tip of my tongue and a bit more heather. There may perhaps be a lick of salt and a pinch of smoke in there. I think I'll give it 19 for a solid effort.

Finish: Very pleasant actually. I'm not normally a huge fan of spiciness but this is really quite enjoyable. It moves from spiciness quite quickly to a much softer taste, with the phantom of honey hanging around. It's that phantom of honey that encourages another sip, so it clearly does its job in encouraging more drinking! There's a nice lick of pepper to keep the taste on the tongue and it has a solid character to it. It's very smooth now that it's mellowed a little and very pleasant. Another 19, perhaps?

Well this most certainly is not the whisky I once disliked! Perhaps my palate has developed, but it's certainly a lot more pleasant than I remember over various tastings over the last 2 years. It's nicely balanced and that elusive dash of honey has kept me coming back for more as I write.

I'm really quite pleased with how this has turned out! A solid (but not earth-shattering) 74 as its final score.

I had a similar experience with my bottle of Jura too, although not over two years. I wasn't immediately impressed when I open it, although my daughter loved it. I bought mine last December, and it sat on the shelf most of the year and rarely got touched. However in October I thought I'd give it a second chance, and really loved it. The initial oilyness I experienced had disappeared and was quite sad to see the end of it. I have a bottle of Superstition to sample soon and hope it takes off where the Jura 10 left me.

It's interesting how much of an effect it had! Since reading @victor 's review of an HP12 left open I've been re-visiting my older whiskies and re-tasting them to see what the difference is. @DaveWorthington - I considered buying Superstition, but then I remembered how little I liked Jura 10 (until now) so I avoided it! I also have a fairly large number of unopened bottles and I really need to start actually drinking my whisky rather than hoarding it!

Another whisky that I've found is a great 'ager' is Glenfiddich Caoran Reserve. The smokiness becomes more pronounced and the whole whisky becomes more complex after being left for a month or two.

@mattberg - I've been meaning to get some Old Pulteney for a while but just haven't got round to it. It looks like the type of thing that will appeal, so hopefully I'll review it before too long!


After reading some of the reviews on here and other forums I wasn't sure what to expect with this 10yo Jura Whisky. I tried a dram in a bar recently and was surprised and really pleased with this offering. I've been looking for a casual/mid week dram and after trying a couple of Bourbons recently (one of which I ended pouring half the bottle down the sink, just continued to disappoint) I'm quietly pleased I've found this Jura and bought a bottle.

I'm well aware others have not had good experiences but mine has only been positive. On the nose I'm getting malted and honeyed coffee beans with light floral and white pepper notes. Neat the arrival is light and silky, really well balanced with a distinct three-phased experience: Light heather and caramel, followed by white pepper, smoke and then a leather and sort of flinty finish. I'm also getting cigar tobacco, parchment and citrus aftertastes with coffee beans.

I would rate this well above HP 12, or Balvenie Double Wood as an entry level dram.

This to me has a unique taste and something about the water in it. Highly recommended.

For two years+ I have been repeatedly periodically drinking out of my brother-in-law's bottle of Jura 10. For the first two years it seemed like one of the roughest and least pleasant whiskies I have encountered. Every few months I tried it over and over just to see whether I still thought that it was as bad as I had remembered. It was. Recently, a good two years after the bottle was open, it just completely mellowed out and opened up. It tastes great to me now, after repeated drams spaced out over additional weeks. If I bought a new bottle of it I would be prepared to leave the bottle open a long time before it would be ready for me. When you sample a whisky at a bar you usually have no idea when the bottle was opened, and whether you are getting an 'early-opened' or 'long-opened' taste of that whisky.

Hi Victor thank you for your comments. Recently I have been leaving bottles open for at least an hour before tasting, and also pouring a glass and leaving for at least half an hour before sipping.... It's crossed my mind that this would be a strong case for decanting Whisky?

I have also left several bottles at my family home outside of London and there is a distinct difference in taste between half-full bottles left in country air (Laphroaig cask strength, HP 21, Talisker 10 yo) for a few months and bottles I have in central London ( a city) In any case I would highly recommend this Jura 10 yo.... perhaps though its flavors are emphasized by the sharply contrasting damp and unusual fresh autumn atmosphere we are experiencing and consequently good timing for tasting.


You can't really compare this single malt to some of the delights produced by some of the Islay distilleries but it stands up as a pleasant whisky. Light sea salt and citrus with a smooth, faintly smokey, slightly peaty taste and short but satisfying finish.


Nose: a strong citrus aroma of lemon accompanied by the smell of sea.

Body: Very light

Palate: Vinegar and citric fruits. A little oaky and peppered.

Finish: a little bit of bitterness


The Isle of Jura - west of the Highlands and northeast of Islay, is not that easy to reach. It takes several planes, trains and... a ferry (and the best part of the day) to reach it. That may be part of the charm of this magical island. George Orwell resided there while writing his classic 1984 and called it ‘an extremely unget-at-able place’.

The 180-year old distillery produces whisky that - after doing some research on the subject - seems to be like Woody Allen films: you love ‘m or you hate ‘m. I'm in the first category (with regards to the whisky, not the films).

I found the nose to be somewhat earty and buttery, with a tad of salt, but also soft grain and pine wood.

On the palate, this dram is softer than expected, but full of flavour. Also sweeter than I would have thought with some light fruity touches. Also some vanilla, spicy malt and even some aniseed.

During the finish - which is pleasantly long - salt and sweet battle for attention, while being goaded by light peat and peppers.

This bottle, that I got as a birthday gift from my co-workers, was a pleasant surprise. I would recommend it straight and as an aperitif.

I also think this is a dram that has to grow on you. I tasted it a couple weeks ago in a restaurant and didn't think that much of it. Tasted it again about a week ago while working behind the computer and last night really took my time to get to know the drink. I think maybe Anonymous, the phantom whisky reviewer, should give it a second chance.

@Jean-Luc, the same bottle of Jura 10 polarized me. I periodically drank from my brother-in-law's one bottle of this for over two years. For the first two years it struck me as one of the harshest whiskies of any type which I had encountered. I kept sampling it to see whether my previous impressions remained. They did, for multiple samplings. After two years it completely mellowed out in flavour and tastes very good to me now.


A guest brought this to me at Christmas and I'm quite glad I didn't hand over my hard earned cash for this bottle.

Why? Well there's something I don't like on the nose. And I really don't like it. I once had the misfortune to get horribly ill drinking cheap Tequila back in my reckless youth. Ever since if bad Tequila is waved under my nose I get a gag reflex.

This Isle of Jura doesn't smell like Tequila but it has a quality that reminds me of it. Like cheap alcohol, a rasping chemical stench that stings your nose.

That's the bad news, the good news is that smell doesn't translate onto the palate. Although not much else does. This doesn't have tremendous character, its balanced but not in the sense of balance big flavours, more in the sense of not too sweet, not too acidic, not too rich, not too thin. It doesn't do anything wrong, but it doesn't do anything particularly right either.

The finish? It finishes almost immediately.

Tasted great in the whisky cream we had with the Christmas pud though.

In summary, this is a whisky.

My initial tasting of Jura 10yr was not great. However, I felt compelled to try it again, as I (unlike some of you) actually bought my own bottle! When I tried it the second time, I realized it was not as dull as I first thought. In fact, I rather liked the spicy finish. The saltiness wasn't harsh, and it wasn't a peat monster like its Islay cousins.

For a nice glass of whisky that doesn't bowl you over, and gives you something there at the end, I rather enjoy Jura! It is not the first thing I reach for in my liquor cabinet, but nor is it the last. The price point is very attractive, which makes it one I reach for perhaps on my second trip, or on occasion my third!

Well I just ordered some Superstition today, and because of these reviews, I'm mostly glad I didn't also get the 10-yr. But, because there seem to be mixed comments, and not knowing your experience, I would helpfully replay to the original anonymous reviewer as follows: try adding a bit of water, and let the pour sit for several minutes; be aware of what you ate before your sampling; try it again a couple more times before posting a review (some of my own sampling notes tend to contradict each other).

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