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Johnnie Walker Green Label 15 Year Old

Average score from 31 reviews and 121 ratings 86

Johnnie Walker Green Label 15 Year Old

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Johnnie Walker Green Label 15 Year Old

Nose: Pretty glorious at the price a wee bit of an experience all on its own! What I like about it is it combines the wet outdoors with the fireplace type nose. So a little earthy but also probably most of those wood, oak, smokey (this is not a smokey, peaty dram though, just a whiff of the grate is all). There'll be lots i'm missing here, it's not within my gift to pick out the different notes i'm afraid, but there's loads going on here. 100% worth one at the bar just for the nose.

Mouth: Very prickly which then immediately retreats in to something must more subtle and smooth but still crisp. Grain, nutty, very full in the mouth.

End: Long, surprisingly long given it's "just" medium on the palate but it really makes its mark. And the thing is, from the top, at the nose, down through the mouth, down into the swallow and finish, it's a really looooong experience. Sweet, more clean wood but leads into something a little sharper at the very end, I think what people call spicy.

If you can find it for £40, find two, you're gonna need them.


First neat, then on ice, at home.

It pours bright golden, with some greenish shades and the oily streaks that are so common in any Johnnie Walker when hit directly by light. I must say the greenish tinges are only apt for the name of the scotch!

Aroma, though not very intense, is rather nice and varied: some heavy scents (cocoa, vanilla), some lighter ones (mowed lawn, conifer) and a subtle hint of fresh pineapple.

The sip begins strong and powerful, yielding some metallic flavors along the way (some people consider metallic to be always a fault, but that's not my case, as long as we're talking about a pleasant metallic taste). Long-lasting swallow, bitterer than most regular whiskies.

So far everything seems fine and dandy, but: watch out if you get carried away and drink one dram too many, for the next day reminds me more of a brandy than scotch. Hangover alert.

@huineman Are they still using a screw cap on the re-launched version?

@huineman Not necessarily, but transparency is always key.


Ever since I saw that JW Green came out on the market with some good reviews, I've been quite curious about it. And spotting a £26.50 deal on Amazon, I just couldn't resist. And, quite pleased I didn't.

On the nose I get very little smoke, despite this having both Talisker and Caol Ila (actually, I don't at all agree with the reference on the packaging to Caol Ila's 'maritime' nature, as I find it more dry soot and if anything would ascribe the maritime elements to the Talisker, but that's another story...). I do get malt, honey, and fairly dense sweet tones - in a nice way. A very faint peat. Some gren apple. Moist nut.

The palate is pleasuably viscous and oily. A slight bitterness. A bucket of green apples carry through from the nose. It's probably me, but I really cannot pick out much in terms of peat/smoke here - rather almost make me think of a 50/50 vatting between HP12 and Glenmorangie 10 (ok, happy to argue about that one). A bit wood tannic. Some pencil shavings. Nicely coating.

The finish is rather short though. Some sour bitterness, pencil and oaky tanning lingering on a bed of oily sweetness, but that's it.

Overall, this isn't half bad at all. If I want something nice and pleasurable that ain't demanding too much, I could just as easily go to this one as I'd HP12. I know JW has a bad rep, which means that I'm extra happy to have this one and wouldn't at all be opposed to have it as a "cheap but good staple" in the cabinet. Not sure I'd pick this one of all the £40-45 offerings, but as it seems to regularly come on sales: when it does, I can happily recommend you pick one up.

@OdysseusUnbound Looks like that 15 YO is the 2014 version - at least if the LCBO listing is accurate.

You're in luck. Guess who found a lone bottle sitting in a store in Calgary last December...so lonely...so discounted....

When I open it you'll have a chance to try it.

@OdysseusUnbound wow, you've tried a lot of Caol Ila. Some would be jealous, especially that 17 YO and the G&M...


This is a very recent bottling with the changed packaging in the UK (giving more alcohol info.) which isn't quite as classy as the most recent incarnation imo. There was no bottling date that I could find . . .

Anyways, I've a soft spot for JW, especially the Black Label, as it was probably the whisky which got me really into the world of 'maltyness', or is that blendyness - you get the idea! Last had a Green Label over two years ago from one of the newly released batches. It was good, if a little flat on the finish but recall it having a lovely nose. So, how's the quality fairing three years on?

Review is from a neat pour and the bottle has been open about six weeks with just over three quarters left

Nose - It was all peat at first but there is more honey and sweetness coming through now. Still a good nip of peat though and I'm leaning more towards the Talisker than Caol Ila but I have been drinking more Talisker of late so who knows? Some grassyness and a hint of coffee infused malt. Sandalwood, some fresh ginger and pine resin. Certainly less engaging than I remember the last bottle being.

Taste - A surprisingly malty arrival given the nose with the peat emerging and taking over. More honey and some lemon sweetness. Mouthfeel is adequate if a little on the thinner side.

Finish - Short to medium length. Sour with a touch of (sandal)wood bitterness and peaty tang.

As you may guess I'm not enjoying this quite as much as the last bottle. It seems as if they've really ramped up the peatyness at the expense of some of the complexity (I heard similar complaints about the new batches compared to the older bottles pre-discontinuation funnily enough . . .). Time has helped this and I imagine will keep doing so. I have a bottle from about two years ago in the stash and am tempted to do a head to head but won't (sorry!). I do wonder if the first few batches released were of a slightly better quality than the more recent ones? Wouldn't surprise me.

Still, it's a decent dram and perhaps one of those whiskys better suited to idle sipping or a session rather than deep contemplation. I imagine it was always designed for the former anyway . . .

I was mindful of this comment thread last night - at a whisky event.

I asked the JW rep about the JW Green recipe being the same, or different, since the phase out and introduction. He stated that since it remained in Taiwan for the entire period the recipe remained the same. By coincidence I was shopping for whisky in Taiwan when it was deleted for most of the world and indeed saw it and drank a 200ml bottle. I digress, he confirmed what is stated above - the 4 main distilleries remain the core, and the final component is lesser contributions of malts unlisted.

@MadSingleMalt that sounds about right for Diageo!


I first tasted Johnnie Walker Green a few years ago. I remember it was pretty good, but when I reviewed the older version it was my B-I-L's bottle and had been open a couple of years at least. That was in 2015 and his bottle is still around, though likely gassed.

This expression has since been re-released for general distribution, and as my palate seems to have developed the ability to appreciate lower ABV whiskies over the last year, I was very curious to see if I might like this version, which s reasonably priced (for Ontario) at the LCBO. I opened this bottle just under a month ago, it is about 80% full, and has been gassed the 2-3 times it has been opened.

This expression is reviewed in my usual manner, allowing it to settle after which I take my nosing and tasting notes, followed by the addition of a few drops of water, waiting, then nosing and tasting. I’m reviewing the JW Island Green simultaneously.

Nose: 22/25

Very fruity. Sweet apples. A hint of over-ripe fruit. Light syrup. Maraschino cherry. Maybe just a wisp of smoke. Pleasant nose. A few drops of water bring out the apples, and it smells “fresher’”.(22.5/25)

Taste: 21/25

First sip is a little bitter and spirity, and a little thin. There’s some sweet fruit. It’s a little hot. The development is a little sour. I get less flavour with each sip. Water rounds out some of the rough edges, making it slightly less spirity. (21.5/25)

Finish: 20/25

Not long. Pepper, slightly astringent. Unremarkable. Slightly longer with water.(21/25)

Balance: 20/25

The palate does not realize the promise of a very pleasant nose. A little too bitter, and unidimentional. Slightly more balanced with water. (21/25)

Score: Neat - 83/100 With Water: 86 /100

Of course, who can resist mixing the leftover Green with the Island Green? The result is a similar nose but surprisingly richer flavour, kind of halfway in terms of the profiles, but less thin on the mouthfeel. I’d probably score this closer to 88-89.

This is not a bad sipper. If I want something fruity and uncomplicated, like sitting in front of the fire (on channel 204) and reading, I may turn to it. It’s not one that I will stockpile (I know I have an earlier batch put away) and I would not replace it if I were trying to reign in my purchases. I will likely have this bottle around for a few years though, and it will be interesting to see how time treats it now that it is open.

I’d love to see this at 46%.

@Hewie - It's often sold for £30 here in the supermarkets and at that price well worth a look.

It's decent enough and well put together. I'd also say I got more peat than @Nozinan seems to have done, but maybe one to try first.

I've not had this. I've considered it a few times but considering that it sells for about the same as some decent single malts I haven't gone there. Reading this I'm happy with that decision. I thought there may have been a bit more smoke in there - disappointing to hear that's not the case. I guess the Brand and '15 Years' age statement is attractive to many punters out there.


Today happens to be my father's 74th birthday, but I don't know why I'm honouring that with this bottle. My dad is not a scotch guy; he loves Canadian whisky and bourbon, but has never taken to scotch at all (believe me, I tried....and so did he...) But this bottle has been staring at me for about a month or so, so I thought I'd better write it up.

Actually, it's been staring at me for many years: just when Diageo discontinued the bottling, I snapped one up and buried it in my basement, thinking that one day it might increase in value. Alas, it has been released again (so no appreciation of value is likely to happen) but instead of opening that one, I just bought another bottle. I figure I can hang onto the first bottle for a few more years yet.

Johnny Walker Green is a 15 year old blended malt. Diageo helpfully (for once) lists the component malts on the back: Talisker, Caol Ila, Linkwood and Cragganmore. Makes me want to try blending my own...

The colour is a pale gold. Extremely malty on the nose, with Granny Smith, lemon meringue pie, toasted oak, mint and papaya. Lots of vanilla and toffee as well; I presume these are mostly bourbon casks. Both briny and peppery, with some fresh sea air. A wee drop of water brings out more malt, peat and brine. Crisp and complex.

On the palate more vanilla is brought upfront, with some nice peat and some savoury spices. Here we get more of the sherry casks than we did from the nose. Dark chocolate, tobacco and more green apple. Biscuity. Water brings out sultanas and dark honey, with a bit more spice. Delicious - this is what great scotch is all about.

The finish is a bit oaky, with more salt-and-pepper, cayenne and a hint of lime. It is extremely hard to find much to fault with this. Among my circle of friends, it's the one Johnny Walker product they seem to absolutely love, and I don't blame them. It's complex, easy to drink and has just the right balance between sweet, spice and smoke. Jim Murray scores this a big 95; this also won the World Whisky Award this year for World's Best Blended Malt.

@talexander Hi Tom, while I have issues with cork as a closure for whisky bottles, real cork is in fact environmentally superior to the fake stuff. Cork is the bark of a specific oak tree and is harvested (if memory serves, about once every 8 years) without harming the tree. In fact, these oak trees live for hundreds of years and the bark is removed several times over the years! Cork is 100% natural and 100% biodegradable. The fake stuff is usually plastic which are made from synthetic materials and far from bio-degradable! Note that many of the cork stoppers used for whisky (think Laphroaig) are cheap/crappy composites (small bits glued together). www.youtube.com/watch

@talexander Maybe once I've paid off the renos I can buy 4 bottles of malt to produce 1 bottle of blended malt I can get for a cheaper price...


Nose: gentle, soft with toffee, apple skin, hints of wood shavings and light peat smokiness. Pleasant and well-rounded. In time becomes sweeter and more medicinal, with notes of orange and iodine.

Taste: sweet, woody Speyside character at the front (lots of Cragganmore in the blend, evidently), followed by smouldering peat. Somewhat bitter at the back of the tongue. Malty and full-bodied overall, with good balance between sweet notes and peat smoke.

Finish: Smoky but not too strong

Balance: a tasty malt indeed, walking a fine line between Speyside and Islay character. The bitterness towards the end throws the balance a bit but doesn't spoil the overall experience.

I'm still working on my last bottle of the original version of this one which is very, very good, probably well into the mid to high 80s. I've resisted going for the newer version because most reviewers feel it is not up to the same standard as the original. The component malts are the same, but perhaps the percentage of each has changed. Based on your review @Megawatt, I might have to give it a try.



JW Green have long been many people's favorite blend, but I have rejected JW for a long time due to the unimpressive black label experience. Recently I bought a bottle of Dewar's 15 yo but was disappointed, then I thought: "Why not give Green label a try? Both of them are 15 yo vatted malt whisky, and JW Green is bottled at 43%, it might be better than this." So I decided to buy a 200ml bottle Green label. This bottle has been opened for three weeks, and only about 20ml left.

Nose: Honey, lemon, citrus and green apple. A little grassy, some peat and spice hidden in the background. Soft and delightful.

Taste: Sweet and smoky, a bit salty and the flavor fades away significantly comparing to the time when it was recently opened. Oak, vanilla, lemon and pineapple.

Finish: Medium finish. Spice, peat and black pepper which apparently comes from Talisker.

Balance: In the beginning, it perfectly put four single malts with different characters into one. Sweetness as main theme, along with fresh fruits, oak, peat and smoke. But now it's quite unbalance, thin in the middle, not the full body it used to be.

Indeed a very pleasant whisky, very smooth and full of good characters, but it can't last long once it's opened. It was a 88 pts whisky in the beginning, but I give 83 pts to the end of it. This happened to my Dewar's 15 yo too, it was good at first then the blossom died out after only two weeks. Although I like JW Green at its prime, but I'm not likely to buy it again.

Interesting review, thanks. I looked back at my review (original with cork) and I see I gave it a 84. I don't remember how it tasted on opening way back, but my brother and law and I used the last 30-50 cc to formulate the review.

I've also read that it loses its zip with time.

Good review, I agree with the statements that JW Green loses it's charm after open for a few weeks. Although it does evolve into a nice "malty" single malt.


My brother in law got this a few years ago. Open 1-3 years. Likely ungassed. Poured about 15 minutes. 15-20 cc with 4 drops water.


Green fruits, maybe some Granny Smith apples. Vanilla, red Jube-jubes or more like red licorice nibs. Pleasant. 21/25


Some alcohol, vanilla, caramel. A bit of smoke. Sweet on arrival with some drying in the development and turning sour toward the end. A bit thin, likely from dilution and chill filtration before bottling. 20/25


Short. Dry, astringent, some sour citrusy note. Pleasant but doesn't last long. 21/25


This a predictably balanced whisky...that's what JW is all about. Flavours do work well together. 22/25

This is pleasant. It's not a mind-blowing dram, but a nice, uncomplicated, "smooth" whisky that would work well sitting and chatting with a friend or two, unhurried, where the focus is the conversation and the whisky is a side-issue.

Not sure where you can get it now. This is a cork top and I think it comes from the time before it was discontinued, not the 10 year anniversary bottling. Online I read bottles are around $60 cad but I haven't seen it anywhere in Canada.

I have a travel retail 1L bottle of it from around 2011. If I didn't I would probably buy it at that price as a historical item. I wouldn't buy it to open at any price because it would take up room and may be opened once every 2 years. There are too many single malts or blended whiskies at that price range I would simply reach for first, so I'd never get to it.

Now that I rarely drink Diet Coke, it's not fair to ask which I would rather drink. Suffice it to say, if offered a drink and this was one of the choices among a number of entry level malts or the only choice, I can see myself having a dram. It's been too long since I tasted the Blue to say which I prefer, but my faulty memory suggests this one.

You both have good points. And I appreciate your pursuit of some degree of objectivity (which some à la Foucault, will of course think is hopeless). Once too many subjective circumstantial factors are taken into consideration when giving marks grading becomes too personalized, and ultimately, completely useless for others. I don’t think I will be making any reviews anytime soon however, I have difficulty getting more than 4 descriptive proprieties when tasting and nosing, even after about 3 years of practice. I do enjoy the labour done by the veterans of this cite however, and am an active reader of your work.

Wood, if you're open to suggestions for your own reviews, I'd say to ignore the distinction between whisky types when you give a score. That is to say, don't "grade on the curve."

The alternative, I think, would be to say "well, this blend is crappy, but I expect a blend to be crappy, so it's pretty decent as far as blends go. 85!"

It's much more meaningful to say "This is a really good whisky. 85. Oh, and it's a blend!"

Off-subject parallel: I don't think price should figure into scores either.


Taiwan likes Walker Green, and it seems that Walker Green likes Taiwan. Taiwan was one of the few places to find itself at the receiving end of Walker Green’s 180 Cask release a few years back. After that, when Diageo discontinued the Green internationally, production continued strictly for the benefit of this little East Asian island. Now, with Walker Green returning to international shelves for a limited one year run, once again Taiwan is being treated to something special. For the summer of 2015, we’ve got a limited edition Green Label at 48%. I’ve always liked the Green Label, so this is something I was eager to try.

Nose: Maritime, with more peat and salt than the classic Green. Seaweed, minerals, honey, heather, leather, salt, gentle peat, gentle citrus.

Palate: Medium bodied, arriving gently then steadily intensifying in flavour. Smoke, honey, heather, butterscotch, oak, green apple candy, black pepper, and faint licorice.

Finish: Quite long and solid, with smoke, oak, black and white pepper, chili powder, heather, butterscotch, lemon tart, minerals, oak, honey, and green apple candy.

Thoughts: Predictably, this is a bigger, better, and more concise version of the traditional Green. The salt and peat have been intensified without the overall balance being affected. And, most importantly, the finish has been VASTLY improved by the added abv, with much more vibrant oak, heather, and butterscotch notes. Flavour-wise, it’s a pretty straight arrow, but the development and finish are bigger and more layered. This is absolutely the best iteration of the Green Label I‘ve had. In fact it’s the best Walker I’ve ever had, hands down. Shame it’s only getting a short run in an obscure part of the world. They’ve got a real winner on their hands, this could and should enjoy a broader release.

This just arrived here. I thought long and hard about picking up a bottle,'but decided to wait and check reviews first. It's about $55/bottle, so I guess you would say I should buy? I thought the old Green was good but not exceptional.

@Taco, I think you might have the regular Green re-release wherever you are. The limited edition Green at 48% abv is only in Taiwan, I believe.


Why oh why did they discontinue this 15 year old blended malt by Johnnie Walker. Green Label is like the Green Hornet, it needs a sequel. The only good dram by Johnnie Walker...

With malts from Talisker, Linkwood, Cragganmore and Caol Ila, this "arrives like a blend but develops like a malt". A quote by Ralfy, which I totally agree.

Nose: Dominating toffee with small amounts of smoke and nice feel of dark coffee. Continues with dry oak and sweet vanilla. Cereal notes come with water.

Taste: Bit spicy and fruity. Dark chocolate and crispy malt are delicious. Nutty with oak. Water gives smooth sweetness and adds some bitter too.

Finish: Simple but nice and long with spices and hints of dry oak.

Balance: Great blended malt with exceptional nose. Versatility is really the keyword. Seems like all the different malts are being utilized very well.

Newkophile, My understanding is the main reason they discontinued it in most places was due to the fact that unlike their other ranges, the Green contained no grain alcohol, and thus cost them more to produce it. With it squarely priced between the Black and Gold, if they charged more it would compete directly with Gold. Also, with the general whisky shortage they need the various single malts for other blends that are more profitable. Something along those lines. Personally I too am sorry to see it go. I've got a bottle open and another in my bunker. I might have to add one more to my collection before they are all gone from shelves.

Good stuff, I agree. This and the Swing are the best Walkers on the market IMHO. For the record, Walker Green is not discontinued, it's still in continuous production for Taiwan. Sadly not available elsewhere anymore. Nice write-up, @Rantavahti.


So, I finally got myself to buy Green Label. Not being a JW fan, I am always reluctant on spending my hard-earned money on these run of the mill, mass-produced whiskies. For those who may or may not know, Green Label is the only, or may I say, was the only (since it’s been discontinued) blended single malt whisky out of the JW expressions. Green Label is made up of four single malts: Talisker, Linkwood, Caol Ila, and Cragganmore. Fortunately, it’s still readily available here in South Florida. But anywhere else, you might not be so lucky. Here we go!

Nose: Caramel, pineapple, passion fruit, slight sherry, a trace of burned butter, slight peat and subtle smoke, some alcohol burn.

Palate: It arrives full of caramel, then suddenly starts to transform into Florida keys honey from the Brazilian red pepper plant flowers, which has a coffee finish. The sherry anchors all flavors together accompanied buy a subtle nuttiness and spice.

Finish: Short to medium. The peat and smoke blankets the mouth measured, engineered.

This a good whisky, by all means. However, it lacks character. I feel that, in this instance, the blend of the four single malts are undermining the spirits. It feels engineered-- like its trying to always “kiss my ass,” instead of saying: “Hey! here I am, this is how I taste, take it or leave it…”

Your 84 seems fair. You can do a "Ralfy Blend" of Talisker and Caol Ila and get an essentially the same for less cost. I would buy it before Diageo decided to phase it out and prices went up 50%. Still available, but I'd rather pay the same for Buchanan 18 SR or less for Swing, Great King Street or Double Black.

@Taco The Talisker and Caol Ila would result in a full on peat blend, whereas in the Green Label the peat is pretty subdued by the Linkwood and the Cragganmore. I give the Green about 90 pts. and would advise anyone who can still find it to grab it. @vrudy6 The Double Black is very good and the Swing is an easy drinking blend. Haven't tried the Buchanan but the reviews are all good and it's on my list. Thanks for your good honest review.


Here is a whisky which I think unapologetically bridges the gap between what earlier generations were used to and what whisky fans are drinking today.

Comprising of four signature malts from four brilliant distilleries - Talisker, Caol Ila, Cragganmore & Linkwood - it takes on their flavors quite beautifully.

Nose : First the Talisker and Caol Ila come screaming through with salty crushed nuts and smoke. Then the Cragganmore with that sweet jasmine maltiness and finally Linkwood with it's orange peel, peaches and wild red berries. A complex nose. A lovely nose.

Palate : At first there is a certain coconut oiliness to it (which I didn't like) interspersed with spicy nuts and a lemon meringue. But whisky is a game of patience and I let this one sit. The coconut oil disappears after a while and is replaced with a lovely honey sweetness.

Finish : Spicy long and a touch bitter. I think that's old fashion-ness coming through. Quite complex. Sits with you a while and makes you think.

This is a whisky that needs to be appreciated by experienced palates only. Its' subtle nuances catch you off-guard with flashes of brilliance. It kept evolving as I kept writing forcing me to track back and re-edit.

It's almost like this is the reward you get for finally showing how mature you've become.

Thanks for your praise @Pierre_W ! It truly means a lot.

I remember first trying it and not even knowing what a pure malt was. It was too spicy and aggressive for my liking back then.

It has one of the most gorgeous finishes I have ever experienced. Takes on a whole new flavor profile. Very intriguing.

Great review, @tabarakRazvi, as always. I never tried the Green Label myself. A number of people told me to secure a bottle while it was still around but I never managed to do so. After reading your tasting notes I feel all the more that I should have done so.


So I tasted this alongside Talisker 10yo and Caol Ila 12yo because these are two of the stronger malts that make up this “Vatted” Malt (now Blended Malt). I thought it would be interesting to see how it stacked up.

Nose: Soft sweet peat on the nose. Chewy fruit: baked apples and pears. Some grass in the background. The tone of the peat is alto. Very fruity with some sour green apple notes. The fruitiest of the night. Also, the most sour. The fruit pitch is also the 2nd lowest of the night. Reminds me of Tomatin . . . there must be some sherry cask involvement here. (My son’s favorite nose of the night because of the sour notes)

Taste: Slightly sweet malt, then some fruit comes in. Now, a bit of wood and mild peat. Elegant on the tongue.

Finish: Pepper with a few sparks. Nice spice and a little heat. More salt and pepper then peat and fire. But a nice smoldering ember.

Complexity, Balance: Very well balanced. Seems like a lot is going on . . . but everything seem aged. My guess is that a lot of stuff in here is older then 15 years. Nice balance and complexity.

Aesthetic experience: Nice sexy bottle. Love the age statement and the label. Love that it is 43% ABV and it looks great.

Conclusion: I actually like this a lot more with water. First whisky I can honestly say that about. That said, it was my least favorite of the night. If you like delicate and refined with a bit of peat this is great. Sadly, more and more I have to accept that I am a big flavor guy. And while I know this is “bigger” then many whiskies out there I would much rather be drinking Talisker or Caol Ila then this. Won’t buy again.

I agree it is good, but not as good as Caol Ila 12 or Talisker 10. I find I can use the "Ralfy blend" of mixing Caol Ila and Talisker and get a vat blend similar to Green for less money. And I can also enjoy each single malt whenever I please.


Johnnie Walker Green label sadly recently discontinued is a vatted malt made up of 4 single malts (Talisker, Linkwood, Cragganmore & Caol Ila). I have tasted Talisker and to me this is the 'tame' version. On the nose there is a fruit, floral, slight sweetness, hints of smoke and salt in the background. On the palate the smoke comes on stronger before slowly fading to a pleasant floral, malt, citrus sweetness which ends with a med-long finish... A great whisky is will sorely miss!

Interesting posts. I was under the impression it was completely "cut off" from the market worldwide. I have a somewhat unusual bottling at 1 liter sitting in my cabinet and I have yet to crack it open. I was saving it for a very special occasion down the line, due to the fact it was discountinued. But after reading some of the comments here I suppose it wouldn't be such a bad idea to pop this one open in the commoning months. Btw, over here in Canada its completely discontinued, and nowhere to be found unfortuntely. The bottle I have is from England.

@hunggar That's what I was told by someone in the industry, who works for a major distributor that carries Diageo (parent company of Johnnie Walker,) in 2012. The plans then were very concrete that Johnnie Walker Green would continue to be produced indefinitely for the Taiwanese market, and that it would continue to be produced for the U.S. market for at least another year. It's been "another year" since I was told this, and JW Green is still available in the U.S. That said, I'm unaware of Diageo's future plans for Green. It's good stuff, so I should probably pick up a bottle this week :-)


I've heard tell the nose on this one is full. Wrong. It's not, but it's quite pleasant: Koffee klatch, dark chocolate, oaky goodness, smoking peat curling round an elf's little chimney somewhere deep in the primeval forests of Avalon.

The mouth feel is abundant for a blended single malt. None of the malts in your glass of JW Green seem to be canceling each other out. Each works harmonious without upstaging the other.

Great feeling on the tongue, bathing taste buds in warmth that is not overpowering but mighty satisfying to me. I did not feel the slightest urge to add water.

So, I guess you could safely call this one "medium bodied." I taste hints of maple, granola, honey, pasture buttered Dave's spelt bread. And swirling throughout these flavors is an omnipresent sense of peat and smoke that is never overpowering yet integrated happily into the organic whole of the dram.

Still, it should be said that this scotch is not for peat heads unless they are taking a holiday from pickling their tongues with a high concentration of phenols.

As for the finish, well, it cannot be said to disappoint. Neither will the price at a pub. I paid $9.50 for a glass o' the Green. In my book, that means Green's finish is about as good as it gets at that price range. The oak came back for a last hurrah, along with a magical combination of cereal presence, sea salted caramel, and honey. Smoke and peat left the tongue and mouth happy, as well.

All told, this one's a mightily satisfying dram. I will probably end up buying one or two bottles before they are no more due to this line being discontinued by the shakers and movers at Walker, even though the price of this one is quite high where I live as compared with other haunts on earth.

I guess the Islay malts are getting to expensive to comfortably acquire, blend, and sell at a handsome enough profit. Fair enough, but too bad for the lovers of all that is Green.


Let me start by saying that my cabinet never goes for long without at least a JW black or green in it. There are other blends that I enjoy (the other staple in my cabinet is Ballantine's 17), but there's something distinctive about the JW flavour. It seems to be in the finish. The black, while perhaps less balanced and more peated than the green, still has that semi-harsh finish that could only be JW.

Nose is floral. Heather, brine, light honey, a hint of coffee, green apple, lemon, banana. and a series of other fruits seem to pop up. Strangely, I don't get much of the peat or wood notes that other reviewers tend to notice, they seem faint. Odd, given that Talisker and Coal Ila are half of the recipe.

Taste is salty, then fruity. Reasonably rich for a well priced blend. Bounces between sweet, sour, and even a little spicy. Hints of wood and smoke are here, but aren't nearly as strong as they are in the black. Vanilla and banana make an appearance toward the finish.

The finish is both good and bad. It's that distinctive, yet not entirely unpleasant, trademark honey/floral harshness that I seem to get with all the mid-level JW whiskies (haven't tried the high-end ones recently). Doesn't linger long. It's kind of a nice finish, given that it seems both rushed and semi-harsh. It's a good blend overall. I like the black and the green equally, but this is undeniably more sophisticated and balanced than the black.

Sidenote: Thankfully, while JW Green has apparently been pulled from the market in the rest of the world, Taiwan was spared this awful fate. This whisky can be found in abundance here. I'm not mentioning this to rub it in guys, but just letting you JW Green freaks out there know where you can still find a bottle!


I am not saying this blended whisky is the greatest, but it is certainly among the best I have had the pleasure of tasting. This whisky has the diversity of ingredients to permit a complex nose and palate with many layers and lots of depth. It may not be a knockout, but it certainly gets an 8 count.

Nose: Lovely vanilla bean immediately hits my nose, followed by walnuts and almond. This whisky is lovely on the nose, as it does not allow the alcohol content to overpower the fragrance of the whisky. Honeycomb and marmalade join the party. The layers in this whisky are a noticeable characteristic. Hints of wood now develop. Despite the Talisker and Caol Ila in this blend, no strong smoke or peat. Dried apricots add further variety.

Colour: Lovely golden with an orange hue.

Taste: A powerful explosion of dried fruit hits the tongue as wood and smoke add undeniable character and depth. Sea salt and breezy sea air rest on the tongue vying for attention and competing with burnt toffee.

Finish: A warmth strikes the palate and remains on the tongue, travelling slowly down the throat then returning to the tip of the tongue for what was deceptively a last good-bye only to return for a final show that gradually decreases.

Overall: This is a complex whisky with many layers and a smooth and fresh delivery. It is not overly smoky or overrun with peat. It offers sweet, sour, bitter and salty. Lovely. I eagerly look forward to opening the bottle of Johnnie Walker Platinum 18 Year Old which I purchased today!!!


Sometimes the best things should not end. This is the best of what vatted malts should be. Hot Spicy arival followed by sweet creamy earth and fruit with a warm medium length malty dried fruit, and peat finish that hangs around like a pop up fly ball.


A very simple, yet complex whisky. Contradictory, isn't it?

NOSE: Light, simplistic, not over-powering. Notes of coffee, slight apple, floral, rich bouquet. 21/25

TASTE: The nose is as good as the taste, and a little better. Rich cinnamon, clove, treacle, honey, but still light and smooth. 22/25

FINISHL Rich, creamy, vanilla, coffee, delicate. This is a whisky you do not want to rush- it takes time and is significantly delicious and different considering the Johnnie Walker's. 23/25

BALANCE: Perfect- absolutely lovely and rich. A whisky to be savored and enjoyed. 23/25

systemdown, that makes sense in context, now that the term "pure malt" has been replaced with "blended malt" (which is less clear, but the same thing)! JW has evidently changed the packaging to reflect that change. I've only seen the pure malt labeling here in the US, even now.

Why does your review say (Not Pure Malt)? If it's the 15 year old Green Label, it is a pure malt (or blended malt). It isn't a single malt, but it is a blending of four single malts, with no grain whisky. If I'm remembering correctly, it is a pure malt blend of these single malts, Caol Ila, Cragganmore, Linkwood, and Talisker.


Back in the late '90s, one of my well-to-do friends gave me a taste of Johnnie Walker Blue Label. My whisky knowledge at the time was such that all I could offer was, "Gee, that's good...I guess." In truth, he could have poured me a dram of Cutty and I wouldn't have known the difference. Alas, this was my one and only experience with the Blue Label, so I can't speak to the merits of this controversial blend.

Fast forward 15 years, and I now have a good familiarity with four of the five most familiar members of the J.W. family. (Haven't tried the Swing or the three new kids on the block -- Double Black, Gold Standard, and Platinum -- and the early reviews aren't piquing my interest.) My opinions are among the majority: the Red is a mediocre mixer, the Black is pretty decent, the Green is fabulous...and I'll share my thoughts on the Gold in a forthcoming review.

Unless and until I'm offered another taste of the Blue Label, I can only say that this is the best Scotch in the J.W. lineup. It's the closest thing to a blend I've purchased since I discovered single malts -- and, because it's a blend of only four single malts, it works like a single malt for me. Sort of.

Nose: More bittersweet than sweet. Honey, citrus, and dark chocolate with touches of peat and fresh-cut grass. Becomes softer as it opens up. Great nose overall.

Arrival and Development: Smooth and "blendy." I usually try to distinguish between these two stages, but here's where the four-malt blend is just too vague for me to distinguish anything but a general malt-and-honey medley. Pleasant, though.

Finish: Excellent layered finish: toasted marshmallows, roasted nuts, bitter citrus, all capped off with a quick booze-y sting.

The title of this review is directed not only at whisky drinkers, but to the folks at Diageo as well. As most here probably know, J.W. Green will be discontinued next year, which is a shame. I understand the business of it all -- it's the least profitable of the J.W. lineup, after all -- but I'd gladly pay a bit more to keep this one around. (I wouldn't complain if this were a $100 Scotch, whereas I'd like the Gold better if it were a $60 Scotch.) Early reviews of the "replacement colors" in the lineup are not glowing, so I've stocked up on three bottles of the Green. Enjoy it while you can.

Great review WhiskyBee! I Bought a 4 pack of 20 CLbottles called The Johnnie Walker Collection a couple of years ago at the duty free shop at Heathrow on my way back to the states. It consisted of Black, Green, Gold and Blue. The Balck is good, not great, but good. I was not impressed with the Gold and the Blue was disappointing, While the Blue was good, the finish was non-existent and I just couldn't justify the cost of this one. However, the Green was excellent. Like WhiskyBee mentioned, I like the fact that it is only 4 distilleries in the blend and we know which ones. I find it to be a very drinkable dram for the price. Nice finish and every time I drink it, I am surprised at the level of smoke. Not in your face, like an over-the-top Isly, but it's there, especially in the finish. I have since owned a full sized bottle of the Green and reading this review makes me think it is time for another bottle. Diageo is making a huge mistake by discontinuing this one. It's the best Johnnie Walker in my opinion.


I had been looking for a bottle of this for quite some time and surprisingly had a little difficulty finding it, but after a little searching I located this at a larger liquor store in my area. I have tried both Johnnie Walker Red Label and Black Label in the past, and after hearing many good things about the Green Label I was anxious to try this out. Drank neat. The nose at first was overwhelmingly alcohol with a grass and wood but later I picked up honey and a some sweeter notes. This was remarkably smooth going down which was nice and allowed to enjoy the flavors more. The most prevalent flavor is that of alcohol, but while it is there it doesn't mask the other flavors I picked up such as vanilla, caramel, and of course the peat and smokiness. The smokiness was less than what I was expecting but still noticeable. I enjoyed the spicy finish and noticed a nutty flavor at the end as well. Of the 3 JW blends I have had, (red, black, and now green) I can definitely say that Green Label is a step above the others. This leaves me with a lot of curiosity and desire to try the gold and blue labels, but for now Green Label is suiting me just fine. This is an enjoyable blend which I recommend and certainly will have again in the future, but still lacks a certain something that makes me want to come back to it sooner.


So I've been in Australia for roughly 2 and a half years. I live in Perth where there is something like 300+ days of beautiful sun, never gets too cold, when it gets too hot there are beautiful beaches with white sand and blue blue water.

Considering that I'm from Seattle, where it rains something like 300 days a year and 85 for a week is a heatwave, this should be paradise right?

Well I hate to say it, but for my first year and a a half here Australia was a miserable hell for me.

Everywhere I turned the moment I opened my mouth and I'd quickly get asked if I was from Canada. When I said no, I'd often get told to go back to my own country. People would make nasty american remarks when I was near. My father in law who is from Vietnam told me that from what he'd seen happen to American's he'd worked with that I would receive much more harassment then he ever had.

I was hounded from two jobs with relentless harassment, to the point that my immediate supervisor contacted her attorney to see what could be done. And during this time, when all was bleak and I so badly wanted to move back home to rainy Seattle.

I made a friend.

His name was Louie.

My sister in law works with Louie and she'd been telling him about the events occurring at work everyday. And he decided that he didn't like it.

Even more his partner, a lawyer, decided she didn't like it.

So I received a call one day from Louie and his partner, Gen, saying that they'd heard about how I was being treated at work and that they thought it was a shame that I was being treated this way. They told me that Aussies were friendly and outgoing and from what they'd heard, there was no way I could care one cents worth for any aussie other then my in laws and that they were going to change that.

They were going to represent me for free. They were going to go to my work and lay down the law. Enough was enough. They talked to me every night for weeks, hours on the phone, writing letters, reviewing correspondence from the head managers at my job, drafting my replies, all for free.

All without even meeting me.

I eventually just quit, burned out, tired of the drama. But I kept in touch with Louie and Gen. They were at our wedding, I'd go catch a movie every so often with Louie, switching off on who picked up the tab and arguing that it was always "Our turn".

Fast forward over a year and I receive a letter in the mail.

I'd been granted Residency in Australia.

So I send out a txt message to my brother and sister in law, a good friend of my wife's, Carlin, and Louie and Gen.

My wife and I are going out to celebrate that weekend. Anyone who wants to come, we'd love to have you!

We get to the restaurant and everyone is already there, EVERYONE is early. Holy cow, it's RARE when we're the last ones arriving, but was very nice to see everyone.

As we walk in everyone stands up and Louie walks over to me and hands me a package.

"Congratulations Brother! I hope you like it!"

I open the package and inside is a bottle of...

Johnnie Walker Green Label.

"I've heard it's supposed to be a good one" Louie informs me.

I have no clue. I'd never had Johnnie Walker before, but it was a touching gesture.

Dinner passes nicely, with lots of laughing and jokes.

When we get home I crack open the bottle with my wife and pour a couple drams into a tumbler. (I don't have any glencairns at this point)

I smell that present.

There is lots of peat and earthiness, but some fruit, apples I think with vanilla, cinnamon, some pepper, a little bit of smoke.

I've never encountered anything quite like this at this point in time. It's weird. Cool, but weird.

My wife and I decide to take a sip, she doesn't like it. It's not her thing.

Nothing wrong with that!!

I shall persevere!!

The taste is again a little weird for me, peat, earth, smoke, pepper, bits and pieces of fruit. It's a very earthy and primal whisky it feels like. It's not a bad thing. This is like one of those perfect winter whiskies. Nice and warming, makes you think a bit.

The finish was long with the smoke and peat lasting, with just a hint of fruit following the smoke and peat down.

A very good whisky, and a good value one. This whisky normally retails here in Australia for around $65ish and is readily available. For now. It is supposed to be discontinued at the end of the year, which reminds me I need to go pick up a couple of bottles of it.

This is not the greatest whisky in the world, it doesn't claim to be, but it's a good one.

And this whisky shows, this empty bottle on my shelf, next to my glencairns, that friends show their love, compassion and loyalty to you, everyday...

A drop at a time.

Haha it could be worse Fastpoose. I noticed the humour was harsher/more sarcastic then the states, but that's good because I'll give it as good as I get. More just along the lines of running into people and being told to go home when we're out shopping, things like that. But you know what? However bad it is for me, or almost anyone else, someone somewhere else has it ALOT worse.

Thanks for the dram my friend! I return the "Good health!" to you brother with a dram of Sheep Dip Old Hebridean!!

Sorry to hear about your experiences mate, that's a shocker. I'm in New Zealand and I am very fond of Americans. Every American I've met (worked with a couple to) have been rock solid and great people.

Johnny Walker Green label was the first Scotch I ever purchased and could arguably be the Whisky that got me into this love affair. That said I didn't think too highly of it - OK but not great, although it's significantly superior to the black label IMHO.

Keep up the awesome posts mate, I enjoy reading them. Hopefully heading back to your Whisky bar with the missus soon? I wish we had something like that here in Christchurch! Very jealous indeed.



So, I'm Not a fan of Johnnie Walker Black, who always seems to be common bar dweller at weddings and the like from my experience. A standard flavor profile; smooth, plentiful but nothing memorable (reminiscent of most bridesmaids and groomsmen I might add...). This baby is a welcome upgrade; I am proud to have this Green edition as my first full personally purchased bottling of Johnnie Walker.

On the First wave of the nose, some alcohol and slight vanilla notes are available. After a five minute introduction to the air in the room, traces of peat becomes noticeable, if still rather slight. Getting notes of maple syrup, vanilla further down the timeline. With patience, nose really opens up - more peat. the evolution is fairly substantial.

As for tasting, I would recommend waiting at least a couple of minutes to let this breathe - my first taste seemed alcohol heavy with a confused palette. When I returned around 5m later, a delicate and welcome transformation had begun. This skates around the taste buds nicely; seems to favor the back corners (bitter receptors) towards the end of the circuit. Alcohol is noticeable, but expected. It seems any incursion of water may break this one, so I would recommend water in another glass as a back. Interesting note: there is an echo of a Bushmills Original (Irish blend) profile running through this - slight tinge of rubbery vanilla, but pleasant. Just a hint of this profile, not the foremost flavor to be sure.

As this finishes it's journey, there is a brief flirtation with a medicinal aftertaste, and a very clean yet slight peat hangout. Finish seems standard for a blend - pleasing, lingers a bit but nothing too dramatic.

Overall, rounded and gorgeous; a smooth and satisfying palette opener. This bottle has gained a recurring spot in the blend lineup on my shelf to be sure. If anyone ever asks me to assist the bar selection at a wedding, the Walker will definitely be green.


I've been meaning to try this for a while and wish I had done so sooner tending to go for more obscure Whiskies from specialist retailers... This is a very pleasant and surprisingly complex and fun Whisky and widely available.

A blend of several malts (not grains like the Black Label) including Talisker, Caol ila, Linkwood and Cragganmore but I'm also tasting Mortlach (sweet savoury) and Jura (coffee)...there you go

I like my Whisky neat nearly all the time but my first impression of this was that it was a bit closed and just a small drop of water opens it up perfectly. On the nose I am finding freshly cut wood, sap, cooking apples, rasberries, sandalwood, orange peel, limes and light syrup.

There's a lot going on in here...the arrival is light and oily, creamy on the palate, then moves to a salty, white-pepper and oaky second stage, with a herbal aftertaste finishing with a warm honey and freshwood afterglow. Leaves you feeling like you've experienced the perfect winter Whisky expertly blended with more surprises in store.

Comparable I'd say to a good Mortlach, Old Pultney 17 yo (if not better) Jura 18yo but half the price or imagine a sherried Talisker.

Highly recommended.


Im new to the game, so i don't really have much to compare the green label with, other than some small samples of some fine scottish whiskeys.

This bottle though. offers a sharply refined taste with some beautiful blends and spiciness from every sip. Even before i opened the bottle i knew that i was in for something quite magnificent. The box it came in had perfect 90 degree angles at each corner, showing true care for the product enclosed. after opening the box I reached in to pull the bottle out, as it slip out of its placeholder small particles of dust came out with it showing the bottles age and maturity. as I popped the lid i took a deep sniff off the top, the bottle produced a fine elegant smell that made me think of oak, grass fields and of course scotland.

I spent my time taking small sips of the amber liquid outside on a cool rainy night, the air was fresh, clean and with a hint of bushfire. it made me think though, it made me think a lot, about whats happened over my life so far, where I've gone and whats to come. I realised it then and their, this bottle has found a place in my heart, somewhere special, something i can keep there forever.

I rate this bottle quite high, because for the money you spend, you can truly have a fine evening, it also goes to show that a popular brand doesn't always mean less refinement and that it should still be respected as a fine bottle.

valid points, sir.

@Roysif, "I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch..."


Having read Jim Murray's latest whisky bible cover to cover. I concur with his assessments "don't underestimate blends" or in this case vatted malts. This whisky is well deserving and in my humble opinion I rate this whisky further up the scale than the black JW. Highly recommended!

@Apollo and @hawkscotch, there is actually a lot of love for Johnnie Walker Green among Connosr members, as a read of the posts on the other reviews of it will show!! Yes, it is terrific stuff, with flavours that taste like they were meant to go together.

I must concur. I just opened my bottle of JW Green Label this past weekend and I have found it to be most excellent (to quote Bill and Ted!)I particularily find the palate wonderful...its smooth with just a hint of smoke. There isn't that big nose a single malt can provide but the palate and finish more than make up for it. Great value, wonderful whisky!


A friend of mine had aquired bottle of this and offered to pour some into a small hip flask for me to try. I jumped at the chance and tonight I get to try some.

According to the Johnnie Walker website, the Green Label is a blended scotch malt whisky, meaning that it is made up of a blend of scotch single malts, and not other grains. It also tells us that it is made up of malts from Cragganmore, Linkwood, Talisker and Caol Ila, all aged at least 15 years. I've never had any Linkwood, but I've enjoyed various expressions of the other three very much, so my hopes are fairly high!

The nose is intriguing, complex and warming. Caramel sweetness, floral notes, hints of apple, a savoury creaminess over a background of earthy, mossy peatiness and a hint of saltiness. This is seriously good, and I could sniff this for hours! When I say seriously good, I haven't had too many better!

The taste is initially light, full of apple, toffee, heather and a hint of old leather and good virginian tobacco before slowly developing a warm smokiness, with a hint of peat. Hints of dried fruits and nuts. Very smooth, nowhere near as intriguing as the nose, but is still excellent and very moreish!

The finish is moderately and comfortably long, warming slowly over several long seconds. Malty, honey sweetness over peat smoke and fruitiness. Slightly spicy - a mix of cinnamon and pepper. Hints of oak. The finish is slightly mouth drying - almost palate cleansing.

This is a genuinely good dram, and is an example of how blends should be handled. The taste is the weakest part, but even that is genuinely good... and the finish is excellent, while the nose is divine! I can get this for under $100 Australian, or under $80 when it is on sale, which places it in the realm of good value single malts, and it handily competes with them. At that sort of price point, this is definitely very good value for money!

I finally got a bottle of the Green Label today. My first impression was not really much of a nose, although sweet and very pleasant. The taste is a bit honeyed, but not too sweet. Personally, I can't detect smoke or peat, although the Caol Ila is present. I am having a hard time trying to describe this one! I will say that it is very, very pleasant, and not dissimilar to the Glendronach 12 year, which is my current favourite. I would also compare it to a Highland Park 12 year ( I haven't yet tried the 15 year ). I have tended to go off the smoke and peat lately, there is just something about them that turns me off after a couple of drams. I prefer a whisky that will be able to keep me going all evening. The JW Green, the HP 12 and the Glendronach 12 (still my favourite) all take care of that beautifully. I am enjoying my first tasting of JW Green with a fresh baguette, a slice of pungent English Stilton cheese, and slices of a lovely Sopresatta Italian sausage. This whisky is a wonderful accompaniement to food, as well as being a more than pleasant dram all on it's own. As fine, if not better than, most single malts I have tasted! After reading all of the comments and jdcook's review, I don't think that any of us have overrated this wonderful JW at all! Cheers, Carl

I really don't understand why TPTB are moving away from the "vatted" term unless it is to help draw people from the "blends". Blended and Vatted are both unique types and AFAIC pretty easy to understand. (But maybe this is because blends give me a hangover while Single malts and Vatted malts don't..)

That being said, I too really enjoy the Green Label, dislike the Red, don't mind the Black and think the Blue is way overrated/priced. For me though the class of the Bended line is the Gold Label, a lovely dram which stands in the same rank as the Chivas 18 and Royal Salute.


Johnnie Walker Green Label is a vatting of (4)15 year old malt whiskies: Talisker, Linkwood, Cragganmore, and Caol Ila. It was the positive feedback that I had read from connosr.com members that made me enthusiastic to try this whisky. Johnnie Walker gives right on the box its own review of from which component whisky it believes each of the flavour components of this vatting originate.

Nose: strong barley malt, moderate smoke, some salt, moderate sweetness, with some floral and fruity elements

Taste: Robust flavours, with everything in the nose coming on strong on the palette

Finish: the sweetest and most floral elements leave first, but smoke, malt, salt, and some fruit flavours linger moderately long

Balance: this whisky really works as an integrated package for me. I enjoy this vatting as though it were a single malt cut from whole cloth. I would recommend this highly to anyone. I prefer this Green Label even to Johnnie Walker Black Label, which I have always liked.

An exceptional whisky. Very tasty. It is the only bottle of JW I have in my cabinet.


Johnnie Walker's Green Label is aged 15yrs and is blended from pure malt whisky from four exceptional distilleries: Talisker, Cragganmore, Linkwood, and Caol Ila. I have before tasted their Black Label and Red Label, and I've got samples of the Gold and Blue in my cabinet. Look for those reviews sometime soon! However, I have heard over and over how the Green Label is: (a) the best of the range, or (b) if not the best, it is the best value in the range.

One problem with the Green Label locally is that the price varies incredibly. I have seen the whisky sell from $50 to $70, which is just silly. I refused to spend the $65-70 when I knew I could find it (eventually) for $50. So, when I finally found it for $50, I went for it.

The color of the whisky is a nice chardonnay, and comes in at 43% ABV.

Nose: Interesting... This definitely shows its lineage, with the pepper of Talisker and the smoke from Caol Ila coming through! At this point, this and a little sea air is all I am really getting. I'm sure once I take a sip or two, the whisky will open up a bit more. We'll see. Yep! I'm getting some soft fruits coming out now.

Body: Medium body. The whisky feels good in the mouth.

Palate: Some spice builds, and there is some smoke coming out in the back. On the third and fourth pull, I'm getting some citrus fruits (the fruit, not the rind). The whisky (at room temperature) feels cool in the mouth, which is quite refreshing. As the glass slowly empties, the dram gets more fruity: tangerine? Very robust flavor, which has been blended nicely for a well-rounded whisky profile. I feel somewhat like I have cheated, drinking a blend of single malts, but I'm getting over it!

Finish: Spicy, and medium long. Pepper, with smoke.

It has been a little while since I had a nice smokey malt. I have been drinking some great Speysides, and some unpeated Islays, but there is a special place in my heart for a little smoke!

I just poured myself another dram, as I am really enjoying this whisky. Kudos to Johnnie Walker for blending us up a fantastic pure vatted malt. Seriously, this is yummy. If you like a peppery malt with some smoke with just a little citrus fruit to round things out, check out the Green Label from Johnnie Walker!

I do understand that a grading scale is a personalized thing, and heavily dependent on whether the greater weighting is given to differentiation of the products or to absolute quality and enjoyment. Thank you for giving the context for your evaluations.

Thanks for a very nice review. I agree with you that this vatted malt whisky is fantastic. For me, though, 'fantastic' rates a lot better than 7.0. For me this is 8.5.


I got this for Christmas in 2009 and slowly drank half of it over the past year. It did not strike me as particularly remarkable, unfortunately. In preparation for writing a review, I have been sampling it quite a bit more recently.

The nose is somewhat subtle, nothing bombards you.

Regarding the taste and palate feel, there is a depth and richness to this but the actual flavors are somewhat muted and a tad one dimensional. It has been noted that there are five basic tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami. Umami has been described as a pleasant meaty taste with longlasting, coating sensation over the tongue. To me, this scotch has a depth, richness, and chewiness I would associate with umami but other elements of flavor are somewhat lacking.

Over time, this has grown on me more. Initially I was not overly impressed but the richness is its own pleasure even if the flavors are somewhat one dimensional or perhaps at this stage in my tasting career not overly noticeable.

The finish is long and smooth with a bit of pepper but no sweetness.

I find that this benefits from just a few drops of water. I would recommend this to others although it is not my favorite.

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